Bennett’s Decrees: Moetzes Gedolei Torah Of America Calls For Day Of Tefillah

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America published a letter on Friday calling for a day of tefillah asking Hashem to thwart the anti-religious laws being enacted by the Bennett government, especially laws changing the status quo regarding giyur.

The letter was published following the request of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, who was asked to intervene by HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein.

“I was asked by HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein to raise the issue of the persecution of religion in Eretz Yisrael in a meeting of the Moetzes,” HaRav Kamenetsky wrote to the members of the Moetzes. “Since I didn’t bring it up in the meeting held on Monday, Yud Beis Cheshvan, I request that you hold a discussion on the issue and protest against the current Israeli government, which is aiming to implement reforms in religion, especially regarding conversion, which affects the kedusha of the entire Am. The evil government has also taken control of, among other issues, kashrus, which affects everyone as a whole. I request that you protest in the name of Agudas Yisrael of the US which represents Yahadus in the Golah.”

The letter from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah states: “To our dear brethren: The Jewish people in the land of Israel are in great distress – may Hashem help us! – because of the government in our Holy Land which wishes to impede Torah learning and fulfillment of the mitzvos.”

“In this time of distress it is incumbent upon us to join with the suffering of our brethren in the Holy Land, as their distress is ours, too; and also to cry out in prayer that Hashem has mercy on us and remove these decrees.

“We, therefore, request that Thursday, the 29th of Cheshvan (November 4), be designated for reciting the Yom Kippur Katan tefillos or for reciting Tehillim, each place as appropriate, to awaken Heavenly mercy that we be saved from these decrees.”

“May it be Hashem’s will that in the merit of our prayers we shall soon see the salvation of our nation from these, and all other distress, with the coming of Moshiach, speedily in our days.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Since I didn’t bring it up in the meeting held on Monday, Yud Beis Cheshvan & ב”ה that you did not bring it up on that accursed day of יארצייט of rabin’s assassination, as he would be a קיטרוג בשמים

  2. The Moetzes is having discussions with the Satmar Rebbe shlita to possibly consider a joint Tefila Rally gathering, like they arranged with Satmar during the protest against the Israeli government about 7 years ago.

  3. I am sure that they can get “Jewish Voice for Peace”, “IfNotNow”, “Sunrise”, and a host of other hategroups to join in in their anti-Israel protests. It is not for us in the diaspora to be pressuring Israel.

    Bennett has been clear for years about his position on conversion, that there should not be a Chief Rabbinate monopoly. And halachah is with him. Any orthodox beit din can perform a conversion. Bennett is the first religious Prime Minister of Israel ever and he knows this. He isn’t beholden to the charedi leadership to learn about halachah.

    Furthermore, Bennett is Prime Minister because the charedim insisted on supporting Netanyahu long after his expiration date. Elections have consequences.

  4. i think a joint tefillah gathering with either or both of Satmar rabbis would be very revealing about the nature of the Agudah.

  5. The focus of the pronouncement is that the government is no good. Yet the government is duly elected and reflects the will of the people at least conceptually. Remove the words Bennett and government and substitute אחינו בני ישראל.Its like the artificial man called corporation. So there are disputes in ארץ ישראל. But the government is causing the עת צרה? That is quite superficial and misleading I think.

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