Horror In Ramat Beit Shemesh: 17-Year-Old Stabs Father To Death

Israel Police

A Chareidi father, 47, was stabbed to death by his 17-year-old son in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel on Shabbos morning.

The son fled the scene but was found by the police in a nearby building and arrested.

The father and son reportedly became embroiled in an argument and the son stabbed him with a knife on the upper part of his body.

The family was already well-known to social services in the city.

A similar tragic incident happened just a week ago in Beit Shemesh, when a 52-year old mother of nine was stabbed to death by her 27-year-old son who had recently been released from a psychiatric facility.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. קם ליה בדרב מיניה:- Since stabbing someone which causes a loss of blood is an act of חילול שבת hence this 17 year old savage must be given סקילה על חילול שבת and hence no further trial for murder.

  2. “רשע מרושע”
    Why is this news necesarry?
    Why don’t u write in the Title חרדי?
    You are creating a chilul hashem.
    You are making momey from yidish blood.

  3. 147 if there was התראה and we hada סנהדרין, perhaps your comments could be debated. But since we have a secular government its irrelevant.

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