HaRav Edelstein: “How Can A Jew Enact Gezeiros Against Other Jews?”

HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein

HaGaon HaRav Edelstein spoke during his weekly sichah on Tuesday night about the anti-religious decrees of the Bennett-Lapid-Lieberman government.

Knesset members have been working around the clock in recent days to finalize many laws, including the controversial kashrus reform law, in order to have them approved as part of the Arrangements Law, which is passed conjointly with the state budget.

The Rosh Yeshivah spoke with pain about the current situation in Israel, focusing on the laws that will cause a stumbling block to Jews who aren’t shomer Torah and mitvos, such as the kashrus reform law and impending laws affecting giyur and marriage.

“The gezeiros aren’t just on the frum public but also on the chilonim that are makpid on certain halachos,” the Rosh Yeshivah said. “[The gezeiros] will prevent them from fulfilling kashrus and other mitzvos.”

“And apart from this, it will cause the general population to act contrary to halacha. They want to be machshil the general population that doesn’t transgress  issurim chamurim, that everyone will be ba’alei aveiros.”

“It’s incomprehensible – that Jews enact gezeiros on Jews,” the Rosh Yeshiva lamented. “It’s contrary to the nature of Jews. The Gemara says that the Jews have three simanim: they’re rachmanim, baiyshanim and gomlei chasadim. This applies to every Jew – not davka shomer Torah and mitzovs. Every person that has a Jewish neshama is different from the umos ha’olam. This is a well-known thing – people who are familiar with the world say this also – I heard from them – they see that there’s a difference. The character of a Jew is something different, it’s not the same as the umos ha’olam – that’s the reality.

“The goyim enact gezeiros. But Jews should enact gezeiros on other Jews? It’s incomprehensible. Acheinu Bnei Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. @motchah11: 1stly it has always been will always be the case that Klall Yisroel have parts of the world they can escape to and live. But you are worried about frum yidden, The Rosh Yeshivah is at least as much or even more worried about non-heimisher Yidden who are still traditional and have their limits, which the zionist sedomites want to abolish. Many of those Yiddishe neshomes keep kashrus at home and want to know what is and what isn’t kosher even if not “mehadrin”. They would never marry without proper rabbinical approval. It’s exactly those things holy to the vast majority of the Israeli Jewish population, that the above mentioned Reshoim want to take away from all of Klall Yisroel choliloh. Hashem Yerachem!

  2. “How Can A Jew Enact Gezeiros Against Other Jews”. That is the misunderstanding!! The Gemora says, a person who has no Midda Chessed, he is NOT a Jew rather from the Eruv Rav!! So what is hard to understand here?? The Left are Eruv Rav. WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!!!! Secondly, it was sad to read from motchah11 “Soon there will be no place in the world that a frum Yid can live. ?אנא נלך?” Are you SO SO Golus minded??? We have Eretz Yisroel. If for starters, a half million Torah Jews come to Eretz Yisroel and put that number to Knesset seats, YOU BECOME THE POWER and rescind all those Gezerois and protect Torah !! SO WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN THE USA ??? DO YOU JEWS NOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING THERE ???

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