WATCH: “King” Bibi Greeted By Adoring Crowd At Machane Yehuda Shuk

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu stopped at the Machane Shuk on Tuesday afternoon and was surrounded by a large crowd of “Bibists.”

Surrounded by security guards, Netanyahu bought a felafel at one of the stands and stopped to speak to his adoring fans.

The charismatic former prime minister was saluted with calls of “Prime Minister” and “Bibi, Melech Yisrael” as he made his way back to his car.

As if to compare Netanyahu’s enormous popularity to that of current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, one Israeli social media user posted the following improvised photo, captioning it with the words: “Bennett just arrived for a tour of the shuk!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. @Miriam: Right on! Literally nauseating… how far have we sunk?! A man who is shamelessly mechalel shabbos in public… Ribona d’alma kula!!!

  2. If it were only “Religious Zionists” who did this, then it would be understandable, as Zionism is a very large part of their faith.

    But it’s sad that what seemed to be a frum kid tried to get a selfie with this Zionist. I guess he wasn’t taught “Halo misanecha Hashem esna”.

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