Israel: Interior Ministry Expels Daughter of Righteous Gentile Couple

YadLogo.gifIn what appears to be an ungrateful act according to many, the Interior Ministry has issued a deportation order against Rosa Senevich, the daughter of Pieter and Olga, whom have been recognized by Yad Vashem as “Righteous Among the Nations” for their risking their lives to protect and save Jews during WWII.

The couple did not hesitate to take in two brothers, David and Buszia Schmeigel, who appeared in their home in the Ukraine after their mother was sent to the camps. They enjoyed the protection of the non-Jewish family, who risked their lives until after the war, then moving to Palestine, settling in Beersheva, where they live to this day.

The boys were tracked down in 1993, and five years ago, the Senevichs moved to Israel and live in Beersheva, along with their daughter Rosa, near the Schmeigel brothers.

Today, Pieter is 85 and is seeking someone to assist his 34-year-old daughter who is being expelled by authorities who insist her visa is expired. Seemingly attempting to calm the elderly parents, ministry officials have stated Rosa is free to visit whenever she pleases.

Since her arrival, Rosa has made Israel her home, gainfully employed and she gave birth to a daughter, now living with her elderly parents, providing for them and assisting them.

Rosa’s employer, Shmaya Shushan, who has also become a family friend, is seeking to reverse the ministry’s decision, working with an organization assisting Righteous Among the Gentile recipients, explaining that Rosa supports and takes care of her parents and they cannot exist without her.

In an apparent hard approach, a ministry official explained that the elderly parents are permitted to remain due to their special status. Nevertheless, Rosa’s work visa is expired and as such, she is compelled to leave the country.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. yet another shameful act by the Israeli erev rav. If they wanted to pick on someone they certainly can find children of plenty non-righteous gentiles. May they all crumble soon!

  2. Once again, government bureaucrats ignore the dicates of common sense (and common Jewish decency) and commit an avla and potentially monumental chillul Hashem.

    Shameful & shameless.

  3. The Zionist entity must be making way for more room for shkutzim from Russia or Ethiopia, by this expulsion.

    All in the “national interest.”

  4. If she’s free to visit whenever she wants, she’s obviously not any kind of security threat. So renew the visa!! For goodness sake, they let in goyim posing as Jews, no problem there! How about all the missionaries, the swastikas & anti semitism? What a messed up government, no seichel at all.

  5. It’s shocking that people that either walked through the valley of death or felt it’s aftermath (I.E. any government official 60 years old or older)could have such a lack of HaKores HaTov! These Gentiles risked their own lives to save Yidden! There is no excuse not to make an exception! It must be that the officials involved must be from a younger generation. We see from here that with all the holocaust museums,trips to Auschwitz, and books read up on the subject, it is still possible to be indifferent.

    Very Sad! 🙁

  6. to #8 even a jewish childe born to jewish parents who are here on student visas is not considered a citizen until they make aliya. I live in Eretz Yisrael and I can confirm that.

  7. rabbiofberlin (sorry I don’t have your “name” so will content mysef to using your “humble” title) –

    Allying myself with the Brisker Rov, Satmar Rebbe, etc. is a banner I proudly wear. If those are the “enemies” you refer to, I proudly stand in their “rodef” company.

    In the interim, I pray for your repentance.

  8. to #15 mr rah-bbai of is one source but there are plenty more that were reported among ehrliche news papers, YWN, included and we’re pretty sure you saw them because wasnt seldom occurance and you seem to a constant reader, so we come to conclusion that this was not honest request..but YOU search more and you will find

  9. to # 18… it is only an infinitesimel % of barbarians (19) that slaughtred 3000 people and destroyed thousand of lives and created financial havok, only infinitesimel % of barbarians that put into effect of destroying over 20,000,000 lives including 6,000,000 kedoshim etc etc, and only infinitesimel % of barbarians are out do destrioy us (ONLY 10% of those barbarians (“v’hou yiyah perah adom”)yishmaels einiklech…so how much are those “infinitesimal ” russians? are there 5,000, 10,000 or even 1,000..its one too many

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