Communications Minister Atias: Shas is Voting Against the Government

Communications Minister (Shas) Ariel Atias on Tuesday night told Kol Chai Radio that in line with the decision of the party’s Council of Torah Sages, the party will be voting to dissolve the Knesset since the government is not agreeing to restore the monthly child allowance payments.

Atias admitted that much has been offered during the past 24 hours in an effort to save the coalition, but explained it is highly unlikely if the prime minister is capable of enlisting the necessary support to turn the promises into reality.

Atias stated that one cannot argue and it is clear to all that this administration did indeed assist the lower income population, considerably more than its predecessor, also stating that Shas prefers not to go to elections. With all this said he added, the child allowance payment issue is a deal-breaker, as was explained to the prime minister and finance minister at the onset, but apparently, they did not understand the magnitude of the issue at hand and today, it is too little too late to save the coalition.

Atias stated the only thing that can change Shas’ position is the government meeting the demands of the rabbonim concerning the monthly payments. Atias stated Shas’ demands amount to NIS 1.5 billion in the annual state budget, insisting the increase in the monthly payments will prevent poverty and not increase it as is being claimed by the finance minister.

Finance Minister Roni Bar-On remains firm in his absolute opposition to meeting Shas’ demands to increase monthly child allowance payments, and on Monday announced his willingness to step down if this will assist the prime minister in keeping his fragile coalition from collapsing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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