YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 6/24/08

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*The Islamic Jihad boasts responsibility for Tuesday afternoon Kassam rocket fire into Sderot.

*While IDF soldiers detected the terror cell that fired the rockets, the order was given not to fire at them.

*Following Tuesday’s Kassam rocket attacks, Hamas announced it remains committed to the ceasefire.

*Five border policemen were lightly wounded in a violent anti-barrier partition protest at Bilin involving some 100 Arabs.

*2 Jewish youths were beaten up and attacked with rocks, reportedly by an Arab Shepard near Yad Yair in the Chevron Hills area.


*Air force pilot training graduation will take place on Thursday.

*Jerusalem police report they have completed preparations for Thursday’s scheduled to’eva parade, adding some 2,000 policemen will be assigned to the event.

*Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office stated the firing of Kassam rockets into Sderot on Tuesday afternoon was a gross violation of the ceasefire.

*A vigil will take place in front of the Prime Minister’s Resident in Jerusalem marking two years since Gilad Shalit was taken captive, 25 June.

*A soldier was bitten by a snake in Karnei Shomron in Shomron. He was transported to a hospital, apparently in light condition.

*Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman stated the firing of Kassam rockets proves it is time to dissolve the current coalition.

*Islamic Jihad announced rocket fire was a retaliatory response for Israeli “ceasefire violations,” referring to ongoing IDF counter-terror operations in Shechem. The terror organization warned the next time, the response will be harsher.

*PM Olmert and DM Barak meeting on Tuesday following afternoon rocket attack into Sderot.

*Shas: Following rocket attack it is clear with whom Israel is dealing, adding that without Shalit being released, there can be no ceasefire.

*Prof. Aryeh Eldad will be expelled from one day in Knesset for his remarks that anyone giving away portions of the Land should face the death penalty as is fitting for someone who commits treason.

*A border policeman reportedly took his own life during the farewell ceremony for French President Nicolas Sarkozy at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.

*Geha Road: A large swastika was painted on the Bar Ilan Bridge.

*Major traffic snarls expected on Wednesday night due to the dedication ceremony of the Bridge of Strings in Yerushalayim. Protests are also being announced in response to reports the program does not conform with minimum modesty expectations.

*Shas: It is final. The party is voting to dissolve the Knesset in the vote scheduled in Knesset on Wednesday.

*Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa is calling on Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in Yehuda and Shomron to unite and settle differences.

*Meretz leader MK Chaim Oron calls on PM Olmert to permit Kadima to appoint a new prime minister and avoid sending the country into election “frenzy”.

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