Israel’s Opposition To Geneva Deal Expanding To Bipartisan Critic Of The Administration

bibnIf it’s not enough that Kerry and Obama are losing sleep over the Prime Minister of Israel’s opposition to the current P5+1 deal with Iran, Netanyahu’s coalition partner is adding a lot of headaches in the White House. A source in Washington has told Globes that administration officials are furious at Economics Minister Naftali Bennett’s initiative to meet members of Congress to persuade them to oppose a diplomatic deal with Iran that would involve the easing of sanctions.

Kerry’s remarks, to a closed meeting of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs on Wednesday, that ‘You have to ignore what they’re telling you, stop listening to the Israelis on this,’ as reported by BuzzFeed, seemed to indicate that some administration officials consider Bennett’s visit as improper.

“People in the administration are using the word ‘chutzpah’,” the Capital Hill source that spoke to Globes said. “They’re saying, how would [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu react if Obama would send a member of his cabinet to Jerusalem to lobby MKs against expanding the settlements?”

But it’s not only that Israeli surrogates that are criticizing ther Geneva deal. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said Thursday morning at a DC forum that “American foreign policy is in such disarray, I have never seen anything like it in my lifetime.”

Likud MK Gila Gamliel, who’s in DC, posted on Facebook this morning, “Democratic and Republican Congress members are equally level minded on Iran. They think that the United States handling of the negotiations with Iran is not only damaging to the security of Israel but of the United States and the whole world.”

“I forcefully reject any notion that Iran has a ‘right’ to enrichment, a position the Administration has publicly supported on numerous occasions,” NY Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel told the house Foreign Affairs committee on Wednesday. “I support the President’s effort to engage Iran and believe we must continue to explore every diplomatic option to resolve this crisis. Nobody wants another conflict in the Middle East. But we must also recognize the fact that Iran is getting closer and closer to a nuclear weapons capability with each passing day.”

Senator Ted Cruz said it best, “The fact that Netanyahu was driven to make that statement shows just what a terrible deal it was.”

Watch Ted Cruz’s comment in the video below:

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. the obama and kerry diry come out in the wash we all can see and know how dirty there laundry is they will not stop until this country is all the down in the dumps shame on the american people that don’t say any thing

  2. I don’t think Obama and his administration is capable of doing ANYTHING right! They have got to be the dumbest people on the planet. Or else the most evil.

  3. “People in the administration are using the word ‘chutzpah’,” the Capital Hill source that spoke to Globes said. “They’re saying, how would [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu react if Obama would send a member of his cabinet to Jerusalem to lobby MKs against expanding the settlements?”

    Interesting! Obama has been interfering in Israeli politics and trying to harm the government from day one and he has the chutzpah to criticize Israel.

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