Arabs Who Assaulted Rosh Yeshivah In Yafo Receive Light Punishment, No Jail Time

The Arabs who violently assaulted two Jews in Yafo almost six months ago were sentenced on Sunday to a light sentence of community service despite the fact that the assault was nationalistic in nature and one of the Jews had to be hospitalized following the attack.

The prosecution reached a plea bargain with the two Arabs, who in exchange for a guilty plea received minimal punishments, with one receiving five months of community service and the second receiving nine months.

In addition, the Arabs were convicted only for assault and not for a nationalistic or racist attack, despite the fact that their motive for attacking the Jews was well-known as there is an ongoing dispute over property in the city, with Arabs opposed to Jews buying property in Arab areas. The Rosh Yeshivah who was assaulted was on the way to purchase a property for his yeshivah together with the yeshivah’s administrator. Although the property in question was owned by a Jew, an Arab was living in the apartment and a witness said that the Arabs attacked the men in order to prevent the property from being used by Jews.

In April, the Arabs violently assaulted HaRav Eliyahu Mali, Rosh Yeshivah of Shiras Moshe in Yafo and a well-known personality in the city, and Moshe Shandovitch, the yeshivah’s administrator, who was accompanying Rav Mali.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Israeli secular cowards. Fear the Arabs instead of fearing G-d. Had a Jew did that they would lock him up. Double standard.

  2. I’m sure their punishment is commensurate to the punishment Amiram Ben-Uliel got for setting the Dawabshe family home in Duma. He’s a Jew so he’s sitting in jail for life with no option for parole. These thugs go nearly scuff-free because their crime was against a Chareidi Jew. Israeli law!

  3. Arab Israeli Y Haddad responded about that and blamed this slap on the wrist for increased violence in Arab sector.


    Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted (Oct 4, 2021):

    Just a disgrace!
    Want to fight violence and crime, and give such violent attackers discounts ?! Then we wonder why people are afraid to complain about our criminals …
    And in such a case that it was racist violence a punishment with significant deterrence would have been required. This service jobs give them a reward! pure shame.


    Besides the point that these Jarboa brothers from East Jerusalem, the attakers of the Rabbi are notoriously anti-Jewish racists, and Hitler admirers.

    From Nakor Rishon. By Yishai Friedman, 10th of Iyar 5781, April 22, 2021:

    The “non-racist” attacker from Jaffa works for liberation “from occupation” and admires Hitler.
    The court ruled that the attackers in Jaffa did not act out of nationalist motives, but a brief browse on his Facebook page reveals quite a bit of antisemitic content

  4. Yaapchik, yes, it proves again that Jews are treated often less than Arabs in court and often are the real second class citizens in democratic Israel.

  5. @yapchick
    Your comment is a chilul hashem otzum!
    Ben-Uliels fire killed 3 ppl including a child who was burned alive! What a crazy comment for you to say….

  6. Sheker Ve’ivus, YOUR comment is the chilul haShem. You probably also cry for the poor Mitzri children who died in the ten makkos, and the Kenaani children Hashem told us to massacre, and even the Nazi children who were killed when we set fire to a whole city. Remember that the Arabs had just murdered three holy yiddishe boys, and the government was doing nothing to them. That lack of revenge was a true chilul haShem; taking revenge and letting the enemy know that Jewish blood is not cheap is a kiddush haShem.

    And that’s all assuming he really did set the fire, which is far from a known fact. It’s much more likely that it was set by Arabs and Ben-Uliel is innocent.

  7. @Yaapchick, with all due respect, you are correct in saying that these two thugs got off very easy, when they should definitely be sentenced to jail. The judge is clearly incompetent. He should be removed from the Bench.

    However, I suggest that you are totally off-the-wall in comparing what these two thugs did to a Jew who killed three people who were not at all a threat to him! How can you equate the deaths of three innocent people with a person being beaten, as vicious as it was. Even if you want to apply Noahide law to the two Arabs, BH, they did not kill the Rabbi!

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