HaRav Shternbuch Warns: “Who Knows How Far Things Will Go If We Don’t Wake Up”

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch spoke on Monday at a heartrending levaya of a member of the Rav’s shul, HaRav Nossen Disseldorf, z’tl, a Rosh Kollel who passed away at the age of 54 of a lung illness. The niftar was known as a great tzaddik who was marbitz Torah and involved in tzarchei tzibur, and specifically saved thousands of bochurim from entering the IDF, instead sending them to yeshivas through the organization Igud Bnei HaTorah HaSefardim.

HaRav Shternbuch was maspid the niftar, saying he was a karban tzibur, that the “tzaddik was taken due to the evil. Since terrible decrees were destined for Beis Yisrael, Hakadosh Baruch Hu took him as a karban tzibur in order to be mechapeir for Beis Yisrael and stop the midas hadin.”

“[Rav Disseldorf, z’tl] left behind yesomim and recently we hear about many shocking incidents of avreichim and talmidei chachamim being taken from us at a young age,” HaRav Shternbuch continued.

“It’s a kind of ‘bas kol” from Shamayim calling to us to awaken to teshuvah and to daven to Avinu She’Beshemayim. The Rambam already wrote (פ”א מהלכות תעניות ה”ג) that if we don’t call out to Hakadosh Baruch Hu at a time of tzarah and instead we say that what happened to us is simply the way of the world, coincidental, more tzaros will come.”

Rav Shternbuch also spoke about what he heard from the Brisker Rav, who told him that “‘before World War II, when a Jew died an unnatural death in Poland (killed by goyim or died of an illness at a young age), everyone would cry out in tefillah.'” If so, now that due to our many sins, so many young people passed away, we must surely cry out in tefillah, and if we’re silent, we’re placing ourselves and our children at risk.”

“Oiy, who knows until where things will go if we don’t wake up with tefillos from the depths of our hearts to stop Hashem’s wrath,” HaRav Shternbuch concluded.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Well the leaders must lead. We must protest in mass against chillul shabbos,tattoo shops,gay parades,Kossel reform feminists etc. Otherwise it’s all talk. We don’t care much about Yerushalayim. We are allowing Yerushalayim to become sodom. Wake up.

  2. Thank you so much Rabbi for giving to us such wonderful and beautiful Chizuk.
    Thank you to Yeshiva World for posting this.
    I guess we no longer have a choice. We need to better our ways.

  3. Yecheill, how do you know that he wasn’t vaccinated ? In any case, you are being one-track minded as the niftar did not pass away from covid-19. He passed away from lung disease.

  4. We can all daven but what about actions? No more sheitels and proper tznius for a start. The Eibishte wants concrete action from us. That is why we have mitzvos, to actually do things.

  5. Maybe if more Yeshiva type guys joined the IDF in some capacity (there all types of service) they could change whatever harmful atmosphere they believe exists.

  6. Many people in Israel who got 2 or 3 vaccines suddenly collapsed from a heart attack either right away or three weeks later so those who are saying to get vaccinated without knowing that these people were vaccinated are not following the Israeli news and researching the facts. The monoclonal treatment being given here in US is not as available yet in Israel so they have no choice but to take the risk of the vaccine which is costing young lives as well. We need to daven for the Geulah.

  7. @yechiell you have missed the boat.. this is EXACTLY what Rav Shternbuch is saying. if we say that this is all a natural occurrence that will just bring more tzaros. Hashem is the one that brought the virus. Hashem, is the one behind the “confusion” of whether the vaccine is a savior or a bio-weapon. Hashem was behing the seaside collapse and the meron tradgedy.
    Since we always need to have bechira, there is always an element of teva or “how we could have avoided it” because if there’s no natural explanation, that will greatly reduce the amount of bechira that we have.

    Bottom line.. The shofar is still blowing and we need to do Teshuva.

  8. To respond to yechiell, Just something I thought should be spoken out here, its not about avoiding.. It is slightly missing the boat! Hashem is giving us messages to do teshiva, we must take our gedoilims advice and not to try and push these messages off by saying that it could have been avoided, and is something not relevant to us. Also to Rats Rats DemocRATs I believe that we must look at ourselves and perfect us as in myself and yourself individually, what we can do, because this is the eibishters rotzon, we cant perfect the world but we can try perfect ourselves.

  9. To alamolgerecth
    This line of improving and looking into your own shortcomings is ok. But we must remember we are effected by our environment and must speak up. Today there are one third chareidim in Jerusalem and one third Arabs and one third everyone else. Why can’t they come out in mass and stop all the evil behavior in Jerusalem. Is it only about money that motivates action.

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