BDE: Within 24 Hrs: Three Chabad Chassidim In Their 40s Die Of COVID

Reb Yaakov Zlouf, z'l, (L.); Reb Yosef Chaim Shlomo Meyerson, z'l.

The Chabad community in Israel is reeling from the deaths of three members of its community from COVID complications within 24 hours.

The chashuve avreich Reb Yosef Chaim Shlomo Meyerson, z’l, of Neve Yaakov was niftar on Shabbos at the age of 45.

Reb Meyerson studied during the 1990s at the Chabad Yeshivah in the Marina Roscha shul in Moscow. He then made aliyah and studied at Yeshivas Mercaz Gutnick, where he was certified as a sofer stam and learned the practice of milah. He served as a mohel for the Bris Yosef Yitzchak organization for a number of years.

He is survived by his wife, son, and mother.

Over a decade ago, the niftar underwent a kidney transplant in the US. Sadly, he was niftar after he contracted the coronavirus and developed complications.

Reb Shlomo Langer, z’l, a chashuve member of the Chabad community in Ramat Aviv, was niftar shortly before Shabbos at the age of 49.

He was known as a ba’al chessed with a giant heart and a ben Torah. He authored a sefer on Parshas HaShavua called Luchos Cheirus.

He contracted the coronavirus shortly before Rosh Hashanah and his condition quickly deteriorated and he was sedated and ventilated. He was not vaccinated against COVID.

Reb Yaakov Zlouf, z’l, of Netanya, was niftar of the coronavirus on Sunday at the age of 48.

He became close to Yiddishkeit while living in Rishon L’Tzion and was one of the first ba’alei teshuva in the local Chabad house. He became a devoted Chabad chassid and after he moved to Netanya was very active in the operation of the Beis Chabad in north Netanyahu. His friends say that he wasn’t vaccinated.

He contracted the coronavirus and after his condition deteriorated, he was sedated and ventilated for an extended period of time before he was niftar.

He left behind a wife and four children.

Yehi Zichram Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

31 Responses

  1. I’m not sure why it’s necessary to write whether the person was vaccinated or not. It is a tragedy eitherway. If it will be done, the articles should explicitly say when a person died despite the vaccine, or because of the vaccine. These articles implicitly blame the person for their own death. That sounds pretty disgusting to me. Never do we say after a person dies from cancer. Oh he smoked for 25 years…like his fault.
    This is called fake news to speak out when someone isn’t vaxxed and not when someone is

  2. They were also NOT given therapeutics (with close to 100% success rate when given early enough)
    Monoclonal anti bodies
    Vitamin C & D

  3. Note how the article makes it clear that these unfortunate niftarim were not vaccinated. But nary a word about what treatments they were offered early on. Things that work in the early stages, like monoclonal regimens (very effective wherever it’s available) and Ivermectin (tremendously successful recently in India, as is well known though never admitted to or reported by the media).

    You know why they don’t mention it? Because they offered nothing. Nothing other than ventilation and waiting for them to die r”l. And bemoaning the sad fact that they’re not vaccinated. That’s the “tzaddikim” we have running things in the holy land.

    Reshaim. Reshaim gemurim

  4. So many ivermectin junkies. In India or Mexico these were given in home kits, not people on ventilators. We also have drugs by Merck too, but not fully approved. Steroids? Not 100%.
    Maybe Ben Franklin said it best. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of the cure. There is no magic drug. But you can mitigate your illness.

    And yes, we do say someone smoked for 25 years when that’s the cause. They say it all the time.

  5. @HIE – people owe themselves and their families a sense of responsibility. If a person died of polio after there was a vaccine available and he did not ensure he was vaccinated, yes he would share in his own demise. The same is true for COVID. The vast consensus of medical science advises being vaccinated as a way of trying to prevent death from COVID. Yes, there may be some people who have bad side effects. Of the hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated, there may be one or two who have died from being vaccinated. That statistically however is insignificant both in general terms and compared to the millions of people who have died from COVID. If individuals decide they don’t care enough about their own lives and the mourning spouses and families they may leave behind if they do not get vaccinated, what can one say? However, those who recklessly discourage vaccination are as Chugibugi says, simply rotzchim. And FrumWhere, those running Israel are not reshoyim at all. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on providing the medical care the medical scientists and doctors say gives the best chance against COVID. Since when do we rely on other than doctors to advise on medicine?

  6. It is important to know the consequences of not getting vaccinated to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. The smart person learns from others and sees the future.

  7. Dear Stormbytes / y2r, and FrumWhere,
    I’m sure wherever you three are practicing medicine you’re able to offer your patients all sorts of horse pills, multivitamins, and malaria remedies.
    Here in eretz Israel our physicians are ignorant enough to rely on this thing called “evidence-based medicine,” whereby they study what works over time and then do their best to roll it out as efficiently and affordably to as many people as possible.
    I suggest you make aliyah immediately so you could put your obviously superior medical acumen to work here saving lives.
    Oh — where did you say your degrees are from again?

  8. The simple fact is the vast, vast majority of those dying are not vaccinated. furthermore, most theraputics are effective when given early. No where is it said how soon these unfortunate souls sought treatment?

    to assume the medical community has any blame is unwarrented rishus.

  9. Chugibugi- correct
    I’m glad you posted that so nobody who is murdering in that fashion can say they did not receive hasraaa when they get to bes din shel maala after 120

  10. What a Tragedy,
    That in 2021, ANTIBIOTICS are Not Given,
    Early on, Azithromycin,
    Because the Covid “protocol” in Israel and Many USA Hospitals is:
    Get Sick, Get Tested, Do nothing,
    Wait to get Very Sick, Hospital,
    Then Malignantly Misusing their Deaths IN MEDIA as FODDER FOR FEAR MONGERING and Misleading and More Mandates.

    YWN- You Know So Well their Death story- WERE THEY ON ANTIBIOTICS? Azithromycin?
    Monoclonal Antibodies!?
    That you don’t know? What about all the SUDDEN HEART ATTACK DEATHS this Week and last, of Vaccinated people?

  11. Vaccinated or not it’s nobody’s fault! BDE. We must mourn for their families. The main thing is to get the right care when needed.

    There is a new Israeli study that has been published. Of 2.5 million vaccinated individual, Those that are vaccinated are seven times (YES 7X) more likely to be infected by the new variant of Covid and any other future variants. Csv. This is science no need to argue! That’s not what they’re telling people but that is the scientific truth. Most people are not reading the scientific data. READ THE CDC REPORTS! (Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021. Over 90% of those infected in that county we’re all vaccinated). People who are vaccinated are more likely too become infected since their immune system has been compromised.

    As a DR. And based on many prominent doctors and scientific opinions, the protocol in hospitals for treatment of COVID-19 is detrimental unfortunately!! There is medicine that works 100% it’s called ivermectin. Please do a fact check on all of the above. (IVERMECTIN, Dr Pierre Cory).

    StAy safe !!

  12. I certainly don’t want to blame them for their own deaths. Maybe they had special reasons for not being vaccinated.
    However, with millions of people being vaccinated safely, and knowing that unvaccinated people wind up in the hospital – please,please, everyone – GET VACCINATED. it’ll save your life. pikuach nefesh, folks !!!!!!!!!

  13. Thank you for trying to post whether people who die were vaccinated or unvaccinated. This is important info for people who are unsure about whether or not to vaccinate. For those who have an issue with this, note there was an article today about a man aged 76 who died and had been vaccinated. However, it does seem overall that the significant majority of those dying are unvaccinated.

    FYI, for those concerned about the “treatments” maybe if more people were vaccinated and there was less load on the medical system due to unvaccinated COVID patients the standard of care would be better and we would have better outcomes for those who end up hospitalized.

  14. Reb Yosef Chaim Shlomo Meyerson, z’l was vaccinated, How about writing that!!

    @chugibugi he was vaccinated and no one convinced him not to and he still died, believe in god not in government and big Pharmaceutical experiment trial treatments that no one knows the real actual and short term and long term effects, don’t forget these people keep changing the goal posts and trajectory on the efficacy of these jabs

    Yeshiva World is becoming fake news and propaganda like the rest, the fact is that people in Israel are getting sick even when vaccinated so stop with this BS,

    P.S. Monoclonal anti bodies treatment works wonders if anybody gets covid or if you know someone that got it please take them to the a hospital or urgent care that gives this treatment I personally took people that were sick for this treatment and within 24 hours they were healed and some of them were very sick

  15. FrumWhere, Early treatments were offered, i.e. VACCINES. Just as Smallpox was Baruch Hashem eradicated, we can and must do our hishtadlut. We know Hashem runs the world and sent us these vaccines. Wake up.

  16. I am a man in my 60’s. I have a severely compromised immune system. I am not vaxxed and have no intention of getting vaxxed. I am in the last stages of clearing a nasty bout of COVID from my system. The whole attack lasted three days. It was very nasty and it was probably the worst that I have felt in my life. I was feeling a little off Thursday night and by 2AM Friday morning I was burning with fever, my whole body was wracked with pain, I was dizzy, could not walk straight, and I was nauseous. Shabbos morning and Sunday morning I did not have the capability to daven and both days davened Mincha twice. Today, Monday, I am up and around. I am self quarantining until I am no longer infectious.
    Over the last three days I took:
    very high dose vitamin C
    very high dose vitamin D
    quercetin and zinc
    high dose melatonin
    serretia and neprinol (COVID is to a large extent a blood clotting disease, these are enzymes that dissolve the clots)
    This is along the same lines as the Zelenko protocol but this is the Chasdie Amram protocol.
    COVID is a serious infection and needs to be treated very seriously. I had a bad case. Shabbos night I was totally incapacitated. My wife like a mother bird every two hours came over to me and said open your mouth, she then dropped the pills in my mouth, drink this glass of water, I’ll be back in two hours. It is now Monday afternoon and I feel almost fine.

  17. @Frumy26

    Before posting misinformation as a “fact check” perhaps you should actually read the study and fact check yourself.

    The study researched immunity received from vaccines vs immunity obtained when recovering from covid. They compared breakthrough infections in individuals who had covid already (breakthrough meaning reinfection after they already recovered) vs breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals (individuals who are vaccinated and later were infected anyways). They found that vaccinated individuals are seven times more likely to have a breakthrough infections leading to serious illness.

    The study did NOT compare vaccinated vs unvaccinated who did not yet have covid. In fact if you look at the most recent data you will see for example that in Israelites over sixty, unvaccinated Israelis are 65 times more likely to get seriously ill from covid than those triple vaccinated and under sixty 32 times more likely. The data unequivocally shows that vaccination dramatically reduces the risk of death and illness.

  18. TzivuaM, interesting that your physicians are relying on the covid “vaccine” because Israel has one of the highest rates of covid-19 and an extremely high fatality rate from this virus despite having one of the highest vaccination rates globally. The numbers just don’t add up to prove the vaccine effective. The hospitals are full of vaccinated people despite the physicians there screaming to get the vaccine because “only the unvaccinated are hospitalized”. That turned out to be false.

    And now if someone isn’t vaccinated and dies of covid that fact is revealed prominently in all articles but when those who took the vaccine die of covid, that fact is ignored by the media. So obviously this kind evidence proves that the “vaccine” is not very effective, if effective at all, and there’s much evidence to the contrary, proving that this vaccine has caused numerous serious side effects and deaths, specifically in young adults and those with compromised immune systems.

  19. I feel bad for the families of the niftarim but at some point, you sort of become ambivalent about these anti-vaxer fools who will be taking their last breaths on a ventilator spewing their claims that Zelenko cocktails and horse medicines with zinc will save you from their imminent deaths. Hopefully, they will get a minyan for kadish.

  20. for NachumB and others – do YOUR religious leaders approve your anti-vax positions? Do they know about it? do they let you in shuls?

  21. Experimental vaccinations with limited and manipulated testing, no recourse for injuries, and coercion to take it anyway – you don’t have to even be a Lubavitcher chasid to follow the logic that the ‘covid shot’ is a mockery of science and an insult to intelligence.

  22. @philosopher Israel vaccinated first so the immunity started wearing of first. Now that they have given booster shots the infection rates have dropped drastically.

    Also recheck your numbers and see how many people per 100k (raw numbers don’t tell you anything since there are more vaccinated people in Israel than unvaccinated people) vaccinated people are being hospitalized vs how many unvaccinated. And you will see that in people above 60 there Are 65 times less people being hospitalized and under 60 there are 32 times less.

  23. The Chabad Av Beis Din in EY, R Yitzchak Yeruslavsky, posted a video motzi shabos begging all Chabad chassidim, and Yidden worldwide after this tragedy to get vaccinated and follow public health guidelines with respect to Covid. Other Chabad rabbonim and virtually all Litvish gadolim and roshei yeshivos have mad the same plea. Yet we have mindless rants here on YWN and elsewhere by anti-vax zealots screaming to ignore daas torah and instead get in line for the chevrah kadishah. Clearly, the latter group is having some success.

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