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Statement from Ambassador Dan Shapiro on Iran

dansThe following statement was posted to the Facebook page of US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro on Monday, 8 Kislev 5774.

“I was proud to speak to the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly and welcome thousands of Americans who are deeply committed to the US-Israel relationship. I made clear that the bilateral relationship is as strong as ever, undergirded by the ironclad American commitment to Israel’s security. I said the US will not permit Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, and we will use all elements of our national power to endure we are successful. The US and Israel have an identical objective in this crucial issue: preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. We will not squander the leverage that sanctions have given us. No deal is better than a bad deal, and we will not agree to a bad deal.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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