New Study Shows Third Dose of Vaccine Builds 10 Times More Antibodies Than The Second Dose

A new Israeli study conducted by a panel of researchers from the Weizman Institute, the Technion, Hebrew University, and Sheba Hospital found that the booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine produces ten times more antibodies against Covid-19 virus than those that exist in people who received the second vaccine five months ago or more.

As a part of the study, researchers at Sheba Hospital compared the antibody levels in staff one week after their third and second doses.

While the research only looked at healthcare staff at one specific hospital, it is hoped that the findings will apply more broadly to the rest of the population.

The hospital said it was treating the results with caution and would be monitoring staff in the coming months to see how long the boost to immunity lasts.

Antibodies are just one part of the overall immune response to Covid, which also includes white blood cells known as T cells that give longer protection.

Almost 3 million Israelis have received the booster shot and the results are starting to show a decline in the morbidity rate among the populace during the fourth wave of the virus that spiked in Israel over the summer.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. For this data to be meaningful, one needs to know how antibodies presence in the individual correlate with getting seriously ill (i.e. sicker than as if one has a cold, allergies or a flu), whether one gets infected at all, and how this impacts on spreading the disease. Heretofore 90% of those infected didn’t get seriously ill, but still would spread Covid19.

  2. Forc12 days! Read the original study! Be informed! Find the sources! NYT reported it! 12 days! Did you all get that! And what do we pay for it with? Our overall health? Be informed!

  3. The antibodies were great after the second shot too, but it didn’t last.

    This will also not last, they are preparing for the fourth shot already

  4. Stop citing these Shoddy Faulty Preposterous “Studies” as fact!!
    The Corrupt health Bureaucracy keeps putting out these One week limited faulty “studies” on a few people and the Media repeats it!
    The CDC just based a new recommendation for ALL PREGNANT WOMEN, based on a flawed NON-peer reviewed Study of SELF-REPORTED INFO from AN ONLINE REGISTRY called V-Safe, that OMITTED THOUSANDS OF WOMEN, who Reported Miscarriages in the First Trimester WHEN MOST MISCARRIAGES OCCUR!
    All the Data was UNCONFIRMED, LIMITED TO A SHORT TIME, SELF-REPORTED, BIASED because many women were “Invited” to Participate- maybe they were men, Who knows there was no confirmation of anyone!
    YWN, this study you cite is another shoddy faulty study of limited duration, it has NO VALIDITY WHATSOEVER, it does not even report the terrible side-effects!!

  5. This is extremely deceptive. The term ‘vaccinated’ in Israel currently doesn’t apply to those who took ‘the shot’ within the last 14 days, and neither to those who haven’t stayed ‘up to date’ with the decreed schedule (now those who haven’t taken the ‘3rd booster’, though they’ve taken the 1st and even the 2nd shot).

    What this obviously means, is that conveniently, it’s the ‘defined unvaccinated’ that are mostly the ones getting ill. Of course, there are continually additional newly-ill patients coming down will strong covid cases because of radiation poisoning – because of rampant continued exposure to 5G, wifi, and other bodily-sapping wireless communications technologies (and overly processed, GMO, and non-organic foods).

  6. Why is this article still up here, @YWN?? As per the new FDA statement, boosters are NOT being recommended at this time due to safety concerns and lack of data on effectiveness
    Why is YWN so pro vax that they are trying to make this vax look so good????

  7. This study is such baloney it’s mind-boggling! Take the following two statements:

    “A new Israeli study …… found that the booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine produces ten times more antibodies against Covid-19 virus than those that exist in people who received the second vaccine five months ago or more.”

    “As a part of the study, researchers at Sheba Hospital compared the antibody levels in staff one week after their third and second doses.”

    These two statements cannot be concurrently true. The first says they compared the antibodies in patients who had the shots (1 and 2) 5 months ago with those who just got the 3d shot (and found nothing remarkable, since we know that after 5 months the Pfizer vaccine is faded to almost nothing, so hopefully the 3d dose at least restores antibodies to the original levels). The second statement says they compared the antibody level a week after the 3d shot with the levels a week after the 2nd shot — not 5 months. So which is it?

    The 2nd statement is obviously not true anyway, because we know that right after dose 2 the typical antibody levels are upwards of 2000, so you want me to believe that after dose 3 the levels are better than 20,000?! That’s obviously preposterous and probably medically impossible. So this is just another load of nonsense injected into a campaign to keep the people confused…

  8. Ki HaShochad Y’aver Einei Chachamim and we take hundreds of millions every year from the government.
    Which is why the Agudah, Hatzalah, the OU, and many prominent figures are openly promoting the government agenda, including being actors in government scripted and sponsored videos.

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