TEARFUL TESTIMONY: “I’m Half A Person Since Meron, My Life Is ‘Before Meron’ & ‘After Meron'”

Rabbi Yossi Schwinger, director of the National Center for the Development of the Holy Places, testifying to the Meron commission. (GPO Screenshot)

Rabbi Yossi Schwinger, director of the National Center for the Development of the Holy Places, which is responsible for the Kever Rashbi site, testified to the state commission of inquiry into the Meron disaster on Monday.

His testimony was an especially emotional one. At one point he burst into tears and said: “I’m a half a person since I saw the resuscitations, a third of a person. A father yelled at me: ‘Why did you put up a barrier?’ I told him that I didn’t put up barriers. He spit at me. I request that everyone take their spit to my kever, it will be my meilitz yosher.”

“Since then my life isn’t a life. I’ve been through a lot in my life but now my life is divided into before Meron and after Meron. It doesn’t matter if I’m guilty or not, that night will accompany me until my last day.”

In his testimony, Schwinger said that the  National Center of Holy Places is under the command of the police regarding everything involved with Meron on Lag B’Omer. “It’s an extremely difficult operational event,” he said. “There wasn’t one demand that we didn’t implement. We were the intermediate body that implemented the police guidelines. The Israel Police is unequivocally responsible for this incident.”

The head of the commission, retired Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor, asked Schwinger if a manager was appointed for the Meron event and he replied: “There’s no designated director of the event.”

“Why?” Naor asked. “I’ll explain,” Schwinger responded. “In 2008, former Tourism Minister Aharonovitch told me: ‘Don’t take responsibility for Lag B’Omer. What do you know about security? What do you know about maintaining public order and traffic? This is an event for Israel Police. You do what they ask. Don’t interfere into matters that you don’t understand.'”

“The Legal Bureau also clarified that it’s a spontaneous religous event, no one has control over the size of the crowd. The State Comptroller’s report also had no criticism about the conduct of the National Center.”

Schwinger also presented a document to the commission signed by the police in 2018 which lists the division of roles between the Police and the National Center for Holy Places. The document states that the National Center for Holy Places receives instructions from the police. “This document reveals who truly was the boss,” he said.

Schwinger complained to the commission about how the police treated him and the National Center. “I didn’t have any material, it was all taken from us. We’re the only body in the state of Israel that didn’t come prepared, they took dozens of documents. Sometimes one document can change the whole picture. The police didn’t even deny it, they told me: ‘Talk to the commission.’ Also my phone. I begged them to give me back my phone but they wouldn’t. I won’t even mention the fact that the last pictures of my late wife and late mother are on the phone. They told me that only the commission can decide.”

Naor responded that the commission has no opposition to the police returning the material. “That’s what the police told me,” he repeated. “They also raided my home and ransacked all my closets in a disrespectful manner.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. May the ribono shel plan awaken a hirhur teshuva in the Israeli police this rosh Hashem’s and even better before to take away their hatred of the chareidi people who are keeping the Torah alive in Eretz Yisroel and through whom we have the merit to actually be existing in Eretz zyisroel now! It’s only through Hashem’s protection and chessed to His devoted children! May they come to their senses quickly and take responsibility for their abhorrent actions, including the political leaders who lead the country-may they recognize the obvious truth through Hashem’s kindness of granting them sechel!!!!

  2. It seems every bureaucrat called to testify points the finger of responsibility at someone else. Last week it was the deputy police commissioner claiming that prior requests to curtail the event and limit attendance were ignored by the “even organizers”. This guy claims there was no “organizer” and the event is “spontaneous” and just happens with no central coordination. He was in tears although it was unclear if he was more upset about the loss of life or the confiscation of his phone by investagors. The public works guy claimed his requests for funding to upgrade the access at the site were ignored by the government. And you wonder why there is such contempt for the bureaucrats.

  3. ” now my life is divided into before Meron and after Meron ”
    For the 45 victims, their lives were divided into before Meron and NONE after
    (exept for olam haemet of course).
    This should not be forgotten.

  4. Jonnie—2 wrongs don’t make a right.
    If A hurts the feelings of B, guess what, A is going to get a p-u-n-i-s-h-m-e-n-t.
    Peninah and Channah is an example of this.

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