“Fights To Breathe, Screams And Cries, Rips Off His Mask”

Photo: Raviv Meyuchas

Last week, Israel’s Yediot Achranot reported the dramatic testimony of a doctor who fights for the lives of coronavirus patients – and his attack on anti-vaxxers.

“If only I could invite the anti-vaxxers for a shift with me to see up close how a person fights to breathe when around him other patients are sedated and ventilated – and he’s wearing a mask that covers his entire face, screaming and crying that he has no air,” the doctor said.

“And his screams are faint, can barely be heard through his mask. He writhes in his bed and tries to get up, to move, to sit – anything that will help him to get a little more oxygen into his lungs. He doesn’t understand that every scream weakens him further.”

“Did you ever see a person drowning? That’s exactly how it looks. The patient rips off his mask, thinking it will help, and his oxygen level falls immediately. We run and put the mask back on and beg him not to take it off. We ask him not to move around because we’re afraid his IV will come out and then we’ll have to stick him again.”

“But someone in a panic, who is slowly suffocating, is not capable of logic. His only thought, his only desire, is to attempt to breathe as deeply as possible. But he can’t.”

The doctor then addressed anti-vaxxers directly: “Do you know the difference between you and those who didn’t vaccinate and are now sedated and ventilated? They believed everything you wrote.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. More bull-huey. The institutionalized protocol is to withhold traditional effective treatment (such as zinc and zinc-ionophores, quercitin, hydroxychloroquine, and others, and never to advise about simple, logical nutrient-dense food remedies or herbs, etc., such as coconut oil, cod liver oil, sunlight (Vitamin D), quinine water (tonic water made from quinine bark extract; also boiled organic citrus rinds); and other healing foods, beverages and herbs. Why? Well, typically this is the ‘Rockefeller training’ at work — if it’s not patentable and of substantial profit margins, it doesn’t meet the medical: ‘gold [hoarding] standard’ and won’t make the PDR, and will not be documented by any credentialed allopath as being of any worth or effectiveness. Use common sense anyway, and don’t fall into the hands of those who have given themselves over to ‘the institution’. Think outside of the box, and avoid known excitotoxins and inferior health provocateurs.

  2. This article begs a serious question, and I wish and I hope YWN could research the situation and provide an answer in this venue:
    Question: Are covid patients in EY being treated with the easy to use and administer drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin? Do they have the option of going to a clinic and receiving an infusion of monoclonal antibodies? Or, if hospitalized, is blood plasma antibodies an option? These protocols must be done at t onset of illness before the patient is gasping for breath.
    If the disease is allowed t run its course, sometimes the results are fine….and sometimes, r’l the result is what you have described here.
    Could YWN please find out and write a piece with these answers?
    Thank you so much.

  3. This article begs a serious question, and I wish and I hope YWN could research the situation and provide an answer in this venue:
    Question: Are covid patients in EY being treated with easy-to-use drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin? Do they have the option of going to a clinic and receiving an infusion of monoclonal antibodies? Or, if hospitalized, is blood plasma antibodies an option? These protocols must be done at t onset of illness before the patient is gasping for breath.
    If the disease is allowed t run its course, sometimes the results are fine….and sometimes, r’l the result is what you have described here.
    Could YWN please find out and write a piece with these answers?
    Thank you so much.

  4. I personally spoke with the Dr. that treats almost all the patients at the local hospital. I am in a very large popular frum community. This Dr. told me that ALL his patients with covid are Pfizer break throughs. Meaning that every single hospital patient in the frum NY neighborhood hospital that has the virus has had the Pfizer shot! It seems that the new variant seems to come from a forced evolution from the shot itself. Meaning that all viruses change over time but when hit hard with a vaccine then it can mutate to a stronger variant. In most cases when viruses mutate in a natural environment they become weaker not stronger. Something to think about! He is not an anti vaxxer but he says what is for sure clear is that anyone who has previously had the virus has the best immunity and should not get any vaccine! All vaccines will undo the natural immunity that they already have. It is clear that one shot is not enough and people need 2 plus boosters. This is not the case for natural immunity! Natural immunity has a much more long lasting effect! They have studied it and have even said that if people don’t show antibodies on a blood test they still have immunity based on their T cells! There are a lot of scare tactics going on out there! Think before you do!

  5. To A Momma: Wow, that is a bombshell. Are you saying that the vax can actually undo the immunity that having had the virus provides? You used the word ” Pfizer breakthroughs”. Is that only true of the Pfizer vaxx? What about Moderna, J & J?
    And again my questions? Are treatment options applicable? Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal infusions, blood plasma? Not a word about these lately. Do you have any info from the doctor you spoke to? How is he dealing with the virus patients in terms of therapies?
    Thank you for sharing the above, please continue to share!
    Gezunt for alle Yidden.

  6. Notes:
    a) “blood plasma antibodies” is now recognized as mostly ineffective.

    b) Ivermectin comes in 2 forms, for animals and for humans. (Guess which one is dangerous for you and me…)
    It’s an anti-parasitic drug that is likely mostly useless for covid-19, just like HCQ… UNLESS TAKEN TOGETHER WITH ZINC!!!
    (It never ceases to amaze me how often i need to mention that!)

    c) There are a number of different monoclonal infusions available.
    I may be wrong, but i heard rumors that most are not very effective.
    The only one that does make a difference is “Regeneron”. (I may have misspelled it.)
    But it must be taken very soon after symptoms appear.
    Of course you should do your own investigations about monoclonal antibodies.

    d) IMHO, the narrow-minded doctors that refuse to prescribe HCQ or Ivermectin, and the self-righteous arrogant pharmacies that refuse to dispense it, should be boycotted.

  7. I want to suggest something these people haven’t thought of. Maybe the settings on the mask really ARE suffocating the patient. The mask really should be taken off, unless the person feels that it helps him. Tov sh’berof’in l’gehinom…

  8. To a Momma: It’s a little questionable, that vaxxing people who had covid actually increases their chances of getting sick again. Only one doc said this, and no one else seems to have heard of it. Can we accept it at face value?
    You wrote: “they still have immunity based on their T cells!”
    What does that mean?
    thank you

  9. Of course, no mention of treatments and no mention of whether or not these patients had antibodies.

    The presumed answer to all of the above is “no”.

  10. I have been away for a while. I come back and we have the same quackery that is still killing people. There is no effective treatment for COVID once you get it. The junk science promoters of HCQ and ivermectin are selling snake oil.

    The only thing that saves your life if you get infected is to have been vaccinated.

  11. One thing we know is nearly all seriously I’ll patients are unvaccinated. While this conversation continues, get vaccinated. Keep these other strategies in reserve, may you ever need them.

  12. Welcome back, Dr. Hall.

    Are you really claiming that monoclonal antibodies are not an “effective treatment” for Covid? The same FDA that approved the shots is the same FDA that approved monoclonal antibodies.

    Considering all the “break-through” infections of Covid for people who’ve already gotten the shots, you’re claiming that Ivermectin or HCQ/Zinc are the “junk science”, which multiple doctors world-wide have claimed to have seen results on their own patients, but rather the shots?

    It seems that the medical establishment has added another ani maamin, that one has to have emunah sheleimah in the shots and that it, alone, is the only solution. Sounds like idolatry, to me.

  13. To all those who say Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Zinc Doxycycline Vitamin D C melatonin don’t help, or Ian”fake science” don’t take it.

    But for the rest of us please don’t be STUPID, as soon as you feel symptoms get tested, I’d positive, start immediately with Ivermectin Hydroxychloroquine doxycycline Zinc

    I personally know many people from all ages, weight and body type who were helped by taking these drugs and supplements.

    Don’t be STUPID and don’t be a liberal (hmm that was redundant)

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