“I Was Wrong:” Israeli Nurse Tells Of The Regrets Of The Unvaccinated

(AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

A nurse who works at Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah spoke about the regrets of the unvaccinated in a recent interview with Channel 12 News. Almost all the seriously ill coronavirus patients at the hospital are unvaccinated.

Miri Shem-Ad described the suffering of the patients who are struggling to breathe. “Their eyes bulge out of their sockets in their attempts to breathe in more oxygen but the oxygen won’t come in,” she said. “Every shift I lose an average of two patients.”

Shem-Ad spoke about one patient who pleaded with her not to leave him alone as his death approached. “We struggled to save him for several days but he understood that he wouldn’t make it. He grabbed me and said: “Don’t leave me.’ I stayed with him until his eyes closed.”

“A woman after birth who came to us wasn’t vaccinated and neither was her husband,” Shem-Ad added. “She said that she feels like she’s been duped. They saw all the [anti-vax] videos and really thought they were doing the right thing.”

“We see a significant difference between those who are vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. Just this morning, a 49-year-old healthy man – a father of two children – who chose not to get vaccinated, couldn’t breathe anymore. Two minutes before we attached him to the ventilator, I spoke to him briefly to get his permission. He said: ‘I made a mistake.’ He understood this but unfortunately, it’s too late.'”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. More propaganda spiced with guilt infliction attempts. The science behind these ‘miracle shots’ doesn’t really exist in any solid fashion. Any immune system strengthening is palliative, and dangerous as well, since the nanoparticles make their way through the capillaries via the blood, and cause clotting and inflammation – generally, and also in the the heart, as there is increased pressure for the blood to circulate. The mRNA nanoparticle (and magnetic prions) are synthetic and despite the theory, the body’s innate immune system attempts to isolate them to remove them from the body.

    There is no compensation for injury in receiving this ‘shot in the foot’. That has not been the way in medicine ever before. Additionally, there is a significant growing body of evidence, that the adverse effects being observed and also reported are being stifled, manipulated, and erased. Caveat emptor.

  2. This is all propaganda! If treated properly at home immediately then this evil can be defeated!! Also monoclonal Antibodies given immediately after diagnosis for those at high risk will completely cure them in a very very short time with The Eibishter’s hilf! Why are you so scared to post the truth?

  3. Three questions (really one) are never addressed in these articles pushing the shots:

    1. Did the patients have Covid before this?
    2. Did the patients have antibodies?
    3. Did they/the hospital try any of the already known Covid treatments, including Monoclonal Antibodies (“Emergency Use Authorization” in the US) or others like Ivermectin (very cheap, too; or, if taken early enough, Dr. Z’s HCQ+Zinc protocol)?

    Presumably, and very sadly, the answer is no to all of the above.

    Responsible journalism, as opposed to fear-mongering, would include these answers.

  4. This is just amplifying a minor percent of a percent of serious cases. Meanwhile, the vast majority remains healthy and in no need of the vaccine.

  5. Great idea for someone who can make videos, and wants to save MANY lives. Interview people who caught serious COVID but survived, and have them say publicly what they now think of the anti-vax movement. כל המציל נפש א’ מישראל וכו’ – certainly the many duped that you can save from the anti-vax stupidity!

  6. B’chasdei Shamayim I survived the virus last winter staying at home for three weeks with the help of the wonderful Chasdei Amram organization, which has kept thousands out of the hospitals and has a far better track record for bringing about full recoveries. For six days I had oxygen at home and and a rigorous course of quercitin, zinc, vitamins C and D and other supplements monitored by Chasdei Amram’s well trained volunteers with close supervision from their doctors who at times instructed various changes in the regime based on my specific needs. I believe part of the secret of my amazing recovery was that I would daven for everyone else who had the virus before I davened for myself and also that I did my best not to get upset with anyone even when the people taking care of me were stressed out and things didn’t always go the way I wanted them to. B’chasdei Shamayim since that three weeks I haven’t missed a day of vasikin davening. May Hashem give a refuah shleima to all Cholei Am Yisroel and give their caregivers siyata d’Shamaya to do the best for their care recipients.

  7. it would be very helpful to tell if this people had antibodies I never aver see you bring a story about a person who get the coronavirus and the noting but the truth the whole truth
    p.s i have writing to you but never got a answer looks like it is not something importin to answer to a smell person so maybe other people who still talk to small people will answer

  8. I’m disappointed that YWN only promotes the “Lefts” view of this story. The many thousands who died from the vaccine will not be mentioned by todays left-wing media. When anything is written against the vaccine it automatically becomes suspended or deleted.

  9. Propaganda at work. The percentage of hospitalized covid patients that are vaccinated is over 52%! I am not speaking here for or against the covid vaccine, I am talking about the fact that the media is trying to brainwash the masses.

  10. ccbbaa August 24, 2021 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm
    Your comment is awaiting moderation
    how long is the wait and what need moderation it is a simple idea to make clear to what is going on

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