Next on Chareidi Hit List – End Discounted Mehadrin Bus Fares

egednnStating “equality” must exists in the economic sphere as well; Deputy Minister of Transportation (Likud) Tzipi Hotevely announced the reduced fares on mehadrin bus lines are coming to an end.

Hotevely was responding to an urgent query in Knesset filed by MK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Adi Koll, who wished to understand why chareidim pay less to ride on mehadrin lines than others do on integrated bus lines. Hotevely explained this is coming to an end and chareidim will pay the same fare to ride buses as all Israelis.

Koll stated that mehadrin lines are less expensive than equivalent non-mehadrin lines; pointing out the 966 mehadrin line from Yerushalayim to Kfar Chassidim has a 30 minute route that costs 30 NIS. The equivalent, the 960 from Yerushalayim to Yagur, with a 43 minute route, costs 42 NIS.

Hotevely explained the rates that exist today will not continue and efforts towards establishing the same fares on mehadrin and non-mehadrin lines are underway.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. How about putting an end to Egged’s monopoly of buses and allow charedim to have their own buses? Israel is after all a “democratic” country.

  2. So why is a 30 minute 30 NIS fare less expensive that a 42 Minute 43 NIS fare??? They are complaining about 1 NIS???

    Just another unfounded attack on the Charedim!

  3. I don’t see how anyone can complain about this. Hey wait a minute I thought there were no longer any “Mehadrin” lines, that anyone can sit wherever they want. As the principle of everyone paying the same is reasonable, I assume this is a climb down on the Mehadrin issue by the Deputy Minister of Transportation. That is surely good news.

  4. Why in the world was it ever set up that some people would pay more and others less? This sounds like it was great for us, but not actually fair to other people.

  5. With such a Medina (shel geheinom) who needs enemies? the are doing the best possible to chase their best idealist citizens away.

  6. Reverse logic, normally there should be an investigation and going after egged why egged charges more. But if there is a possibility to hurt the charaidim then that’s what this medina (shel geihinom) will do.

  7. Why should there be a difference in price between two exact routes? Unless one is direct and one stops at more places, sometimes express fares are less than local fares.

  8. One Law for everyone. Same price for the same service. Show gratitude towards those who take bread from their children’s mouths to feed yours.

    Is it really that difficult to understand?

  9. what kind of discount is there on mehedrian bus lines?
    I ride the 36 mehdrian line and also the 71 and 72 non mehedrin lines and there NO price difference.

    this article is totally erroneous. please check your sources.

  10. These lines used to be discounted as a service to the community – from what I’ve gathered. The private sector has the right to compete. Let’s not jump to create or push for sinah where they’re isn’t.

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