Lapid: The Real Reason Behind the Chareidi Draft Law

lapAddressing the Caesarea Conference on Thursday morning 4 Kislev 5774, Finance Minister Yair Lapid stated more and more young chareidim are leaving yeshivos, opting to go into high tech.

“Poverty and the social gap do not have to succeed” the minister explained, boasting how his ministry is assisting people to acquire the skills to earn a living instead of remaining poor and waiting for government handouts.

“The culture of benefits did not close the gap but quite the contrary, it created and maintained it. This must be replaced with a culture of innovative systems designed to close those gaps by providing the tools to those who seek them to permit them to close these gaps on their own” Lapid stated.

Lapid went on to praise the Jewish brain, the result of 2,000 years of Talmud study he explained, and that brain today is what is bringing so many high tech innovations to the world. He feels that among young chareidim, his is especially true and they are entering the high tech world in larger numbers.

The minister admitted that the real reason behind the chareidi draft law it to push chareidim into the work place. “A large portion of the share the burden legislation passed by the government of late is designed towards getting more chareidim into the Israeli work place. The chareidim must be brought into innovative industries. They fit together and they will earn more money. They bring fresh sharp minds to the table.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The real reason is that based on current demographic trends, Israel will become predominantly Shomer Shabbos in anothre generation, and predominantly Hareidi by the end of the 21st century. This contracts the basic goal of zionism to create a homeland where Jews could be free of the yoke of Torah. The zionists have reached a red line, and this is their last chance for success. If they can’t break the hareidim soon, it will be too late, and the yishuv will become Jewish.

    In most western countries, when Orthodox Jews were conscripted, they rarely remained frum when their military service ended. This was a major factor in Jews going off the derekh in the west, and particiularly in the USA. Lapid hopes for similar results. He really doesn’t want the alternative, which would be “ethnic cleansing” of some sort.

  2. OH I thought it was to DESTROY THE WORLD OF TORAh & Yiddishkeit.

    So the charedi draft law is to provide an economy boost and to escape poverty and get jobs, sounds like the American way of the Torah kehillos.

  3. The real reason is because the nit frum people are scared that if they let the current last there will be more chareidim than them & that the Chareidim will get elected & run the government & than it will be a chareidi country which they is not want. Therefore by forcing them to the army & cutting third peyos off they are hoping the chareidim go off the derech so the nit frum stays in power.

  4. Those yeshiva boys who are not up to learning, why do they have to pass through several years of immorality, corruption and G-dlessness beforehand, if you want them to go out to the workplace? Your real motive is for them to first become goyim like you and others like you and after that they can go to work. You are nothing but a rasha merusha. Hopefully your great-grandfather, Up there, Rav Shmuel Shmelke Klein zt”l, the צרור החיים, Rav of Selish, will take care of his wicked descendant, the צורר היהודים immediately.

  5. BS

    if that was the case then modify the law and allow people to opt to work without going to the army and give soldiers different perks

  6. You people are all brainwashed! The man is saying something intelligent and all you know how to do is wish him death? He wants young Bnei Torah to get a job and become self sufficient and contribute economically. What is evil about that? Please someone explain that to me!

  7. @4
    Army service in the end of the day is what you make of it, if as you say it’s a period of “several years of immorality, corruption and G-dlessness” that means that to begin with the person going into the army was “G-dless, immoral and corrupt” a soldier who goes into the army knowing and understanding what he is there for and not thinking he is “sug b” because he left the beit midrash will be a positive influence on his surroundings, a kiddush hashem and not fall.

    Other people on the other hand will most likely also find plenty of ways to fall outside of the army and using it as an excuse for the *failure* of charedi “chinuch” is pathetic.

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