Israel Police who are investigating the source of the massive Jerusalem area fire that took three days to contain believe that the fire was a result of deliberate arson.
Yeshivah bochurim who learn in a yeshivah ketana in Beit Meir, where the fire started, told police that the fire began at two or more areas, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. The bochurim were the first to call the Fire and Rescue Services.
Additionally, the areas where the fire started are remote areas where people generally aren’t found, not hiking or picnic areas where people may have accidentally started a fire.
There has been a number of arson attempts in the Beit Meir area in the past.
Some residents of Givat Y’earim and Ramat Raziel lost their homes and/or cars.

Michah Harrari of Ramat Raziel, seen below with his wife, lost his life’s work, his harp workshop where he handcrafted harps and violins. “There were at least 25 instruments in the workshop that I had made for clients,” he said. “Forty years of work disappeared.” His wife is a doctor and her medical clinic, including valuable equipment, also went up in flames.
“This is our life’s work for the last 40 years,” Harrari said in an interview with Arutz Sheva. “We’re the people that brought back the harp after 2,000 years to Israel. We’ve been working in there and making the harps for the Temple Institute, for the Rav Ariel, for the last 35 years, and shipping our harps all over the world. It’s been destroyed. The whole workshop is just ashes now.”
מפעל חיים נשרף עד היסוד: מיכה הררי יוצר בעבודת יד כינורות ונבל מעץ. השריפה כילתה את הגלריה שלו ולא הותירה ממנה זכר: "היו שם לפחות 25 כלי נגינה שיצרתי בהזמנה אישית. ארבעים שנות עבודה נעלמו כלא היו".
— Inbar Twizer ענבר טויזר (@inbartvizer) August 17, 2021
Below are the ruins of the Metzuda winery in Givat Ye’arim.

The fire, which burned 25,000 dunams of land, destroyed homes, and killed tens of thousands of animals and insects, was one of the largest fires in history, surpassing the Carmel fire in 2010.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
3 Responses
my heart goes out to those with such losses and to those who started this evil and continue to destroy what Hashem granted be discovered and held accountable…..I would love to toss the first stone__
Tens of thousands of insects? Great!
So the message to sick bennett is:- Deport these savage arsonists who are far more dangerous than Corona, and reopen your border to we loving vaccinated fellow Jews.
Get your act together sick bennett, before it is too late.