What Did Hagaon HaRav Kanievsky Tell Residents Evacuated From Jerusalem Area Fire?

File photo. Illustrative. Senior members of Israel's Fire and Rescue Services visit HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky.

As the firefighting efforts against the fire outside Jerusalem continue for the third day on Tuesday, some residents of the areas affected by the fire sent a letter to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky asking: “What Is Hakadosh Baruch Hu trying to tell us and what can we be mechazeik in in the wake of the fire?

In an issue of Yedidei Yosher, published by HaRav Chaim’s grandson Rav Aryeh Kanievsky, Rav Aryeh said that HaRav Chaim responded by noting the words of the Gemara in Shabbos קי”ט, and said that people should be mechazeik in Shemiras Shabbos. HaRav Chaim added that people should also increase their tefillos that “this year with its curses should end and a new year with its brachos should begin.”

Rav Aryeh also wrote that many of the Israelis who had to be evacuated asked HaRav Chaim whether they have to bentch HaGomel after escaping the fire unharmed.

HaRav Chaim answered that HaGomel should only be said by someone who was actually in the fire. People who fled before the fire reached them shouldn’t say HaGomel but should learn Perek HaTodah in Masechas Menachos and women should say the perek of Mizmor L’Todah in Tehillim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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