Israel: Elderly Couple May Divorce Over Vaccine Booster Shot

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, front left, speaks to journalists with President Isaac Herzog, who received a third coronavirus vaccine at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Israel, Friday, July 30, 2021.(AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, Pool)

A wealthy couple in their 80s in central Israel may be heading toward divorce after almost 50 years of marriage due to a conflict over the third coronavirus vaccine.

The husband, 83, informed his wife, 81, that he has no intention of getting vaccinated with the third COVID vaccine. His wife informed him that his decision is unacceptable to her since he’s putting her and other family members at risk. The couple has been married for 47 years and have four children.

Their dispute began about a week and a half ago when Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called to the older population to be vaccinated with the third vaccine. The wife hurried to her Kupat Cholim on the first day the booster shots were available but her husband held fast to his refusal to get the booster shot, saying that he doesn’t believe in it and is even afraid it could be harmful.

His perturbed wife threatened to leave home but when that failed to convince him of the error of his ways, she contacted an attorney’s office that specializes in family law. She requested to take out a restraining order against her husband so that if he doesn’t get the booster shot, she can evict him from their home and possibly file for divorce.

“The wife, who is in a high-risk group due to her advanced age and background illnesses, told us that she’s extremely afraid of contracting the coronavirus due to her husband’s refusal to receive the third vaccine,” the attorney’s office said.

“The husband’s refusal to receive the booster shot definitely endangers his wife’s life and is grounds for the issuance of a protective or restraining order, including his removal from their shared home. It’s sad that conflicting messages, a lack of trust in the medical system, and fake online news are causing conflicts among families.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. It would be more appropriate to read the closing paragraph with a better understanding of where it was being quoted from – whether an opinion of the article writer or just of the attorney’s office further groveling to add to its already stated opinion – tainting themselves further for having accepted to take a case like this altogether.

    “The husband’s refusal to receive the booster shot definitely endangers his wife’s life and is grounds for the issuance of a protective or restraining order, including his removal from their shared home. It’s sad that conflicting messages, a lack of trust in the medical system, and fake online news are causing conflicts among families.”

    At any rate, they can all go daven together with the gluttony of the generation that inspired some of the leading Litvaks to paskin this way.

  2. Why hasn’t anyone tell her yet that even if he gets the third shot he still can get sick and pass the virus around like someone that did not get the agitated and that all the vaccine does is diminish the severity of the symptoms. This divorce is preventable. She is a likely to put others in danger as an un-vaccinated person even after 3 doses.

  3. And what else do they not agree about? Lawyers trying to make a quick buck at other people’s expense. Since when is refusing to take a vaccine of any sort grounds for the issuance of a protective or restraining order, including removal of one spouse from their shared home? The couple needs to meet with a counselor to sort out their underlying issues. That is the sensible advice the lawyers should have given.

  4. but the guy got the double shots already, the booster has not been proven effective. Just the opposite, we have seen many who have gotten the third jab, can get the covid!

  5. Those shots must have addled her
    He should just divorce her
    Cuz every time they’re gonna recommend another booster every 6 weeks she’s gonna get mad at him

  6. These elderly chilonim are all crazy, moody and selfish. They get to the point in life when most temptations don’t temp them anymore and they are empty, bored barrels. Compared to the elderly Charedim who know they have a lofty olem habah awaiting them while they shep nachas from their offsprings who lead beautiful torah homes
    Its an old problem

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