Israel: Chabad Offers NIS 12,000 For Bochurim Who Marry By Age 22

In an effort to have bochurim marry at an earlier age, Keren Meromim, a Chabad tzedaka fund, has offered a special stipend for every bochur who marries by age 22 and joins a kollel, Chareidim10 reported.

The stipend of NIS 1,000 a month for a year is in addition to the regular stipend that avreichim receive from their kollel.

The offer is only for bochurim who learned in Chabad yeshivos through yeshiva gedolah.

“The establishment of the stipend fund is in order to encourage bochurim to get married at an earlier age,” a statement from the fund said.

After Israeli Chabad bochurim finish three years of yeshiva gedolah, they have a year of “kevutza,” during which they learn at 770. Afterward, many of them go on shelichus to different yeshivas or in Chabad houses throughout the world, which leads to the fact that many bochurim don’t get married until age 23 or older.

Many similar initiatives have been launched in the past but they all fizzled out after a short time. Chabad Rabbanim expressed support for the new initiative and wrote a letter of approval, noting that Chabad Rabbanim throughout the world published a notice ten years ago recommending that bochurim get married at an earlier age.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 22 is on the high end for a frum bochur. Other Chasidim generally marry between ages 17 to 19. Even the Litvish in Eretz Yisroel generally marry between ages 18 and 21. The American Chareidim might wait to age 23.

  2. The only thing that Chabad and Yeshivish Litvaks have in common is the Shidduch crisis with the girls. By the time 800 boys become 23 1000 girls become 19. As a result 20% per grade per year have no one to get married to. A man made tragedy from self inflicting wounds. The message to all Bachurim older than 21 is “Listen to Shidduchim” (“STOP CAUSING AGUNAS”)

  3. Their life as bochurim is simply too fun to get bogged down with
    real life. I never understood how these older “huge” (tongue in cheek) talmidei chachamim do with the Mishna of Ben Shemoneh Esray Lachuppa. If the Torah does recommend age 18, why are they not interested till 22, usually even older.

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