TLAIB’S WORST YET: “‘People Behind The Curtain’ Exploit Us In Gaza And Detroit”

FILE - Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., speaks at a campaign rally in Detroit. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made blatantly anti-Semitic remarks last week as the opening speaker at the virtual Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) 2021 National Convention. In her speech, she referred to “people behind the curtain” who oppress the people of Palestine as being the same people in the US who “make money off of racism” and “exploit the rest of us for their own profit.”

“As I think about my family in Palestine, that continue to live under military occupation and how that really interacts with this beautiful Black city I grew up in, you know I always tell people cutting people off from water is violence, and they do it from Gaza to Detroit,” Tlaib said.

“I know you all understand the structure we’ve been living under right now is designed by those that exploit the rest of us, for their own profit … I don’t care if it’s the issue around global human rights and our fight to free Palestine.”

“And I tell people: those same people, if you open the curtain and look behind the curtain, it’s the same people that make money, and yes they do — off of racism, off of these broken policies, there is someone there making money.”

The Conference of Presidents said that Tlaib “described a shadowy force acting behind the curtains in both places and around the world, controlling a system which is ‘designed by those who exploit the rest of us, for their own profit.’ Through her pointing to the tensions between Israel and Gaza, and saying that ‘they do it from Gaza to Detroit,’ it is clear that Rep. Tlaib is suggesting that the Jews are the uniting factor.”

“We condemn these harmful, inflammatory remarks and urge those who are influential in every field to join in holding those who traffic in antisemitism accountable.”

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt slammed Tlaib’s remarks, calling them “stunning.”

“We’ve heard this kind of ugly antisemitic dog-whistling before, but it’s appalling when it comes from a member of Congress,” Greenblatt wrote.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Kind of 2021 version of the Protocols…

    And the old canard itself is most promoted by racists Rashida Tlaib / Ilhan Omar idols in the Middle East. Including Arab Palestinian “moderates”.

  2. Free publicity. By broadcasting her comments you bring her agenda to millions who would never have heard about it otherwise

  3. When the Republicans had to cope with an open bigot winning a nomination (e.g. David Duke in Louisiana), they refused to support him giving the election to the Democrats. That the Democrats don’t kick Tlaib out of the party should be seen as an indication that she is saying out loud, what most Democrats believe but are afraid to say openly at this time.

  4. If this member of congress’ words offend you as much as they did me, you can call Speaker Pelosi’s office to voice your displeasure.

    (202) 225-4965

  5. Kikar Roundabout (@KikarRoundabout) Tweeted (Aug-8):

    Dear Ilan Omar and Rashida Tlaib,
    Saying “as a woman of color” before a racist statement does not make that statement any better.

  6. Yaapchik.
    Forming a state whose goal is to undermine and eradicate Torah, secularize Judaism, and is run by mechallilei Shabbos & ochlei treifos, is also treason. Against Hashem!

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