WATCH: “The Whole World Should See:” The Video That Embarrassed Hezbollah

Lebanese Druze villagers and a member of the Lebanese army surround a Hezbollah rocket launcher mounted from a civilian truck; The Hezbollah terrorist who was beaten up by the villagers.

It seems as if the Druze residents of southern Lebanon have had enough of Hezbollah firing at Israel from their territory, endangering their lives when Israel strikes back.

In the wake of the firing of 19 rockets into Israel by Hezbollah on Friday, residents of the village of Chouya surrounded a Hezbollah multi-barrelled rocket launcher, which was mounted on a civilian truck, and began beating up the Hezbollah operatives. They detained the operatives until members of the Lebanese Army arrived, who arrested four Hezbollah members and confiscated the rocket launcher.

Videos of the incident circulated on social media showing the villagers, some in traditional Druze clothing, gathering around the launcher and shouting: “Film it, film it! The whole world should see Hezbollah firing from our homes in order that they’ll [Israel] attack us.”

The video greatly embarrassed Hezbollah, which quickly published a statement that the terror organization only fires from unpopulated areas and that the truck stopped in the village was only passing through on the way back from remote areas.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Hezbullah anti vaxxer: “Our lives our bodies let me decide if I want to send rockets and I can live where I want and act how I want”
    Lebanon: No you cannot live amongst us and endanger our lives. Go live your nomadic short useless life in a mountain cave not amongst civilised people who value their lives
    והמבין יבין

  2. @simplyshimon, that post is a disgrace. Disgusting and ignorant. Either do some research, or remain dumb, and continue embarrassing yourself with wicked hell-bound remarks.
    I lived with my wife when she caught Covid back in April 2021. I did not catch it from her. Can you explain to me why I didn’t catch it from MY WIFE??
    Are you also so stupid to believe these masks are such amazing preventative devices?? Why is it that all the people who are getting and got Covid-19 wore masks?
    Why is Israel, the most vaccinated country, the most dangerous place to live in today, regarding Covid?
    Do you really believe in social distancing?
    Bottom line: Do your research (not on mainstream LYING media), and see how much our government, CDC, Fauci HaRasha, are lying to all of us

  3. Baalhabooze,
    kol haPosel beMumo posel
    Simple medical masks work
    Social distancing works
    Throwing around insults demonstrates your stupidity,
    Throwing around falsehoods gets people killed.
    Fauci has a seat in Gan Eden that throws shade on your lies.
    Your warped thinking has fouled up Klal Yisrael beyond recognition.

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