Israeli Firefighter Dies In The Line Of Duty Near Tzefat

A firefighter, Sergeant Taymor Kabla’an, was dispatched to fight a brush fire in northern Israel on Wednesday afternoon and died in the line of duty. Kabla’an collapsed in the field while battling the blaze and emergency services that rushed to the scene attempted to perform CPR on him. He was evacuated to Ziv hospital in Tzefat while still undergoing CPR. He was pronounced dead by doctors in the hospital.

It has not yet been determined as to what caused Kabla’an to collapse, doctors are attempting to determine if it was due to smoke inhalation or due to a different reason. Kabla’an left behind him a widow and three children.

A spokesperson for the fire department issued a statement that read: “All of the firefighters in Israel bow our heads and mourn the loss of Sergeant Taymor Kabla’an who died today in the line of duty. Kabla’an has served for the past seven years as a firefighter in the Galil-Golan station. We join the family in mourning his loss, he left behind him a wife and three children.”

The fire department said that they would be holding an investigation lead by a committee headed by the chief medical officer of the fire department in order to discover why Kabla’an collapsed. Out of recognition of his excellence in service, Kabla’an was promoted posthumously to the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Taymor’s funeral will take place in the regional cemetery of Beit Jann in the Galil.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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