“Muslims Will Erase Filth Called Israel,” CUNY Professor Says

A Pro-Palestinian protest at CUNY in May 2021. (Twitter/New York Post/Screenshot)

An adjunct professor at the City University of New York (CUNY) said that Jews cause corruption around the world and “Muslims will erase this filth called Israel,” at a sermon at the Islamic Center of Union County, New Jersey last Friday, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.

New York Congressman Lee Zeldin called for Abbasi to be fired, saying “At a time when anti-Semitic violence is on the rise throughout the United States, no one, especially someone charged with educating young adults, should be further fanning the flames of anti-Semitism like this and endorsing violence against Israel. As we saw last month, the CUNY faculty has an anti-Semitism problem, and this is just another example.”

Zeldin was referring to the resolution proposed by CUNY’s union last month “condemning the massacre of Palestinians by the Israeli state’’ and Israel’s “expansionism and violent incursions into occupied territories.”

The resolution called on CUNY to adopt BDS, saying that the union “cannot be silent about the continued subjection of Palestinians to the state-supported displacement, occupation, and use of lethal force by Israel.” The resolution, which was proposed in the wake of the Israel-Gaza conflict and approved last week, did not mention the rockets launched into Israel from Gaza by Palestinian terror groups.

Over 50 of CUNY’s professors resigned from the union following the passing of the resolution. “With the…resolution, you have chosen to support a terrorist organization, Hamas, whose goal (`From the River to the Sea’) is to destroy the State of Israel and kill all my relatives who live there,” Prof. Yedidyah Langsam, chairman of Brooklyn’s College’s Computer and Information Science Department, stated in his resignation letter to the union.

“By endorsing this resolution you have made many Jewish faculty and students uncomfortable with being associated with Brooklyn College and CUNY to the point of fearing for our safety. Have you and your colleagues forgotten the exponential increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Jews in the NY City area?”

New Jersey Imam Mohammad Abbasi said last Friday that the reason the “Israelites” are mentioned so many times in the Quran, despite there being only a handful of Jews in the Arabian Peninsula at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, was the extent of corruption, mischief, and tumult they would cause in the world according to the prophecy.

Abbasi then continued to say that according to the Quran’s prophecy, the Jews were given “a round to have the upper hand.” And that upper hand was seen when Jews “came from all over” in the 1930s and 40s and “established their colonial project called Israel.”

“[And this is] exactly what happened, Allah says: ‘Then We gave you your turn to overpower them.’ We gave you a round. In other words, the same way we had one round at the time of the Prophet…It’s like a wrestling match, now they get to have a round, they get to have the upper hand. That is what happened in the 1940s and in the 1930s before that – the turn of the last century. They came from all over. In another verse from the same chapter of the Quran, [Allah says]: ‘We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.’ Allah said, ‘We will bring you groups and teams,’ exactly like they did – [this is a] full vivid description – from Poland, from Russia, from America, from all over.

“So we said that the Quran said [there would be] two rounds. So here: ‘When the first of the warnings came to pass,’ we finished with the first one. ‘Then We gave you your turn to overpower them.’ So they won this time, they established their colonial project called Israel.

“So here is the conclusion, I don’t want to leave you depressed, I want to give you the good news now,” Abbasi said. “With the help of Allah they [the Muslims] will erase this filth called Israel.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. And this vermin is paid by our tax dollars!
    I propose a new movement! Divest from college funding! In the long run they serve to do more harm than good.

  2. Or, POST SCRIPT, allow for us to decide if someone is suited to become tenured. We’re stuck with this swine becausehe’stenured! I’dlove to see if Jack Dorsey blocks his Twitter account.

  3. Or, POST SCRIPT, allow for us to decide if someone is suited to become tenured. We’re stuck with this swine because he’s tenured! I’dlove to see if Jack Dorsey blocks his Twitter account.

  4. All this anti Semitism cooking up in colleges throughout the west is for our good just as when public schools became unsafe in the sixties throughout major American cities. It caused secular reform Jewish kids to drop out and go to private hebrew schools or yeshivas and save many neshomas. The rate of intermarriage is a scary 75 per cent in certain secular Jewish circles. The intermarriage rate is surpassing pre Holocaust Berlin. Jewish born secular students are beginning to get a wake up call from shemayim. The Kiruv movement to day is at a standstill compared to twenty years ago. We don’t really know in many cases who is an authentic Jew. The reform consider kids born of a Jewish father and non Jewish mother to be Jewish. It’s a serious problem. Anti Semitism is a bitter pill to separate Jews from assimilating.

  5. Islamphobia?
    Where are the “Jews that control the government and banks” to stand up foe anti Jewish hate?
    Their silence is paid for Democratic National huger by power.
    Hay Chuckie why are you silent when they verbalize hate for Jews?

  6. Yaapchik, where’d you get the idea that he’s tenured? He’s an ADJUNCT. He is paid very little, and he can be fired for just about anything. But since CUNY is a government school, firing him for what he said may raise a first amendment issue.

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