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Jordan Reveals It Thwarted Plot To Kill IDF Soldiers

Illustrative. ISIS fighters. (Screenshot)

Jordan foiled a plot by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists to kill Israeli soldiers near the Israeli/Jordanian border, the Jordanian newspaper Al-Rai reported on Monday night.

The four suspects, who were arrested months ago by Jordanian intelligence agents, conspired to overcome Jordanian border guards near Wadi Araba in order to cross the border and attack Israeli soldiers.

As their discussions on the plot continued, the suspects spoke about expanding their terror activities to also target Jewish foreign nationals living in Jordan. They planned to buy firearms to perpetuate the attacks but were arrested before they could do so.

The report added that the four suspects were drawn to ISIS after being exposed to its propaganda on social media.

Three of the suspects were arrested in February and one was arrested at the end of last year.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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