Lapid: “Rise Of Anti-Semitism All Due To Foreign Ministry’s ‘Neglect'”

Illustrative: French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, center, followed by Strasbourg Chief Rabbi Harold Abraham Weill, second right, walk amid vandalized tombs in the Jewish cemetery of Westhoffen, west of the city of Strasbourg, eastern France, December 4, 2019. (Jean-Francois Badias/AP); Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

In a dig at former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s 12-year term, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Sunday railed against Israel’s “neglect of diplomacy and public advocacy” that has “led to an increase in anti-Semitism and support by Western countries for terrorist organizations.”

Speaking at a press briefing, Lapid said that “the state of Israel is in trouble…anti-Semitism has increased to a point not seen since World War II.” Lapid lamented the fact that Israel is in an “unbelievable position” of being “a democratic and law-abiding state that is under attack by terrorist organizations, and considerable parts of the enlightened Western world support those terrorist organizations.”

Lapid is “sure” that the Western world’s lack of support for Israel is only due to a lack of information due to Netanyahu’s neglect and can be remedied by “explanations” to the Western world via a renewed investment of the Foreign Ministry in foreign diplomacy.

“They’re doing this because no one has explained to them what’s really going on here,” Lapid said. “They’re doing this because Israel’s enemies invested money, time, and effort in a campaign against the Jewish state while here they throttled the Foreign Ministry and hasbrah campaign for political reasons.”

Lapid promised that the situation can be changed because “the world is not automatically against us” and there are areas where the situation can be improved.

Lapid also claimed that after his trip to Brussels where he addressed the European Union Foreign Affairs Council, he concluded that the EU is also not against Israel. “Contrary to what you have been told, they are not against us either,” he said.

Lapid promised to repair the damage by increasing the Foreign Ministry’s budget and resources and said that he and Bennett, who is totally “in sync” with him on this issue, plan on emphasizing Israel’s liberal and democratic character to the nations of the world.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This needs no comment, but he’s obviously wrong. The world is against us. Eisav sonei es Yaakov, and he’s blind not to see it.

  2. Can’t Lapid just stop talking about Anti-Semitism, after his shameful wrong speech at the UN?

    He sounds almost as bad as Kenneth Roth…

    Now, regarding these mentioned two. Here are raw facts.


    The Arab racist attacks on Haredim (sho mostly avoid IDF draft) especially since:

    – February-2021 in Migdal junction near Tiberias lynching Yeshiva students while shouting racist slogans;

    – then the March-2021 Arabs broadcasting on YouTube to half a million followers from Kotel hatred against Jews;
    – then with TikTok terror in April-2021 and continuing this last Shabbos… was/is again a reminder: bigotry came before the “occupation”.


    In 1914 the Ottomans banned ‘Falastin’ periodical for inciting racial hatred. It was reinstated in 1921, coinciding with infamous Mufti al-Husseini incited pogrom pogroms on mostly non-zionist pious Jews by some 20 years before his pact with Hitler and the Shavuot-1941 Farhud pogrom. He was also the mastetmind in using the Al Aqsa mosque and already then inventing the lie. That guy who called during WW2 to kill Jews “wherever they are” and wrote that he believed in the ancient blood libels. His henchman Ahmad Shukeiri also helped the Nazis since 1941 and in 1946 rationalized the Holocaust. In 1956 still considered Palestine nothing more than Southern Syria.. In 1962 he was ousted from UN for promoting neo-Nazis. In 1964 he was appointed by Nasser (who called for annihilation various times and a jihad against Israel) as first chairman of newly founded PLO.


    That is vital info to know why/how the conflict began and when, by who the Arab “Palestinian” identification came about. And what fuels it still.

  3. See YeshivaWorld of July 16, 2021: Lapid says anti-semitism “The anti-Semites are ISIS and Boko Harem. The anti-Semites are people who beat LGBT people to death. The anti-Semites are those who hunt people not because of what they did, but because of who they are, because of how they were born.”

    “Anti-Semitism isn’t the first name of hate, it’s the family name. It is anyone who hates so much that they want to kill and eliminate and persecute and expel people just because they are different.”

  4. The so-called Jewish State is, in fact, a Zionist State, and it falsely claims to be Jewish. The very purpose of Zionism and its State is to destroy Judaism by replacing it with Zionism.

    Then there’s the “occupation” issue. All their “democracy” nonsense is worthless when the “occupation” topic comes up.

    The Zionists made a big mess in their Zionist misadventures in the Middle East. That’s Zionist, not Jewish. Unfortunately, their actions have increased antisemitism, like when the Zionists engage in wars, because gentiles believe the Zionist Big Lie that they are the “Jewish State” and therefore they incorrectly blame Jews for Zionist actions.

  5. What a נער. I, a simple yeshiva guy with no diplomatic or political experience, know more about the world than he apparently does.

    They aren’t against us at the UN? It’s all Bibi’s fault? So silly…they’ve been against us FOREVER. From the times of our Avos to the Churban to the Crusades to the Holocaust.

    And they always will be.

  6. Lapid set the record for creating the most anti-semitism by calling every evil under the sun “anti-semitism”. But don’t worry, he has the cure: explain to everyone that we love everyone, including LGBTQ…. and everyone will surely love us.

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