UPDATED: Israel: 3 Injured in Erev Shabbos Terror Attack

mda1.jpg2:30PM IL: According to early reports, three Israelis have been wounded by terrorist gunfire in a shooting attack near N’vei Tzuf in the Benjamin Regional Council District of Shomron.

From the limited information available, terrorists in a passing vehicle opened fire at a group of Israeli hikers in the area known as Wadi Zarka.

One of the victims is reported in serious condition with gunshot wounds to the back. The others appear in moderate condition. A military chopper is transporting them to Tel Aviv’s Tel Hashomer Hospital.

UPDATE 12:10PM EST: Recieved from the Mayor of Itamar: Dearest Friends and family – today a group of boys that learn at our Yeshiva on Itamar were hiking near a community in Shomron called Neveh Tzuf. While enjoying the beautiful hills of Shomron they were ambushed by terrorist gun fire. Three of them were injured one of them seriously who I  happened to have taught for four years and am personally very close to him –  right now he is undergoing surgery! Please pray for the Refuah Shelema of Avraham Meir Ben Malkah Chaya. Make sure to have him in mind on Shabbat as well. The doctors are optimistic!

Thank you all!

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. And of course let us not forget they politly asked the victims if they have any last wishes stupid jews bomb gaza!!!!!!!!!

  2. stupid cease fire- OPEN YOUR EYES. This DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!! Why does everyone realize that besides those dumb authorities?
    Hashem should send a Refuah Shelaime Bekorov to those injured.

  3. all you prime ministers who have answers , what are you doing in usa. go to israel and lets see what you accomplish.i dont envy these politicians having to make a sholom with reshoim, pereh adams, conduct a war against terroists and conduct drills to iran with intent to destroy; and at the same time maintain a healthy economy.
    only the rebono shel olam will get us thru this episode.
    have a good shobbas, all

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