A Sephardic Shul in Eretz Yisroel keeps a Minhag written in “Mesechta Sofrim”, by placing their Sifrei Torah on the floor of the Shul on Tisha B’Av.
See the video and the Mesechta Sofrim below:
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A Sephardic Shul in Eretz Yisroel keeps a Minhag written in “Mesechta Sofrim”, by placing their Sifrei Torah on the floor of the Shul on Tisha B’Av.
See the video and the Mesechta Sofrim below:
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5 Responses
This is NOT the general minhag of Sephardic Jews. None of the shuls in our (Sephardic) community ever did this.
Does anyone / the author of the piece know the name of the shul?
Ashkenazi Jews fast for 40 days when chalila a Torah falls to the floor. I certainly see a difference between the two minhags but the deliberate act of placing on the floor seems astounding to us Ashkenazic folk.
YWN: please make cheshbon neifesh what is the ulterior motive of posting this. Is it really leshem shamaim ? Is it just to start a machloikes and sinas chinom bein achim?
very interesting!
which type of sephardim are these?