KNESSET TUMULT: Major Win For Chareidi Parties, Opposition As ‘Dayanim Law’ Falls

Tumult in the Knesset after Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy says he mistakenly voted with the opposition. (Danny Shem-Tov/Knesset Spokesperson)

In a major and humiliating defeat for the coalition on Thursday morning, the “Dayanim Law,” intended to nix Chareidi influence over the appointment of Rabbinical judges, failed in its third reading in the Knesset due to the accidental vote of Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy (Yesh Atid).

The vote took place after an all-night debate at about 10:00 a.m. on Thursday morning. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that caused Levy to accidentally vote against the bill, leading to a tie, 51 in favor and 51 against. Levy consulted with the Knesset’s legal adviser who said that his vote cannot be changed.

The failure of the vote, which caused the opposition to break out in clapping and shouts of joy, was a major victory for the Chareidi parties and the opposition in general.

The law was designed to alter the makeup of the Selection Committee for Rabbinical Judges in a way that would ensure the absence of Chareidi representatives on the committee. Its failure to pass is the latest in several embarrassing fiascos for the coalition, with the most major being the defeat of the Citizenship Law. In addition, the coalition had to pull two bills from the agenda when it became clear that they wouldn’t pass due to a lack of sufficient votes, including a bill to decriminalize small amounts of recreational marijuana, which the Islamist Ra’am refused to support.

“Whoever fails to understand why our filibusters are important received his answer today,” said Likud MK Shlomo Kari. “We’re wearing out this evil coalition and it will fail again and again until it falls, b’ezras Hashem. There are no compromises.”

“There’s joy in the destruction of reshaim,” Shas chairman Aryeh Deri said at a spontaneous meeting of the Chareidi MKs after the vote. “Our struggle paid off. We fought for our principles, for religious foundations, for the Batei Din, and Baruch Hashem we won. Whoever wants to understand the extent of our victory should listen to Kariv’s speech. [Kariv is a Reform Rabbi and a Labor MK who now serves as the head of an influential Knesset committee governing Batei Din, the Rabbanut, and other religious entities.]

“I always said that a government that was formed through fraud and that signs coalition agreements that have no share in Elokei Yisrael, has no siyata dishmaya,” said UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. That accident was no accident. They are trying to destroy the bases on which Israel was formed and was agreed to by Ben Gurion that by gittin, kedushin and gerus the orthodox prevail.

  2. ““I always said that a government that was formed through fraud and that signs coalition agreements that have no share in Elokei Yisrael, has no siyata dishmaya,” said UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni.”

    The entire Zionist enterprise is a meridah baHashem on a level unparalleled in history. From that perspective, the present Zionist “government” is only marginally worse than any other Zionist “government”.

  3. Yes but before we rejoice too wildly, I understand it will likely be on the agenda for voting again in a week’s time. Presumably then MK Levy will have been given an advanced course on which button Yesh Atid would appreciate him pushing.

  4. Wow…definitely good news. There’s one line that’s rubbing me the wrong way, though- “There’s joy in the destruction of reshaim.” Yes this turn of events is incredible (!!) for us, and no I’m not trying to undermine that, but…what happened to binfol oyvecha al tismach? We’re joyful right now and we should be, yet the wording of that quote seems to be something like, “binfol oyvecha, tismach.”

  5. 54736, let me help you with your confusion. You are touching on an important question how to reconciliate two apparently contradictory pesukim, one that states “Bi’ibud reshaim rina” and the other that states “Binfol oyvecha al tismach.” The answer should be obvious to anyone. A rasha is not just YOUR enemy, he is an enemy of Hashem. You do not rejoice over the downfall of personal enemies, but you do rejoice over the downfall of Hashem’s enemies.

  6. @54736, I hear what you’re saying, but that line is also a passuk, in Mishlei 11:1. Gotta work out how they fit

  7. The chareidi parties should not be taking credit for this, as it is clearly yad Hashem. They should be singing hallel shevach vihodaah, not saying things akin to kochi vietzem yadi nonsense.

    I am afraid this will come back to bite them.

  8. 54736:
    “There’s joy in the destruction of reshaim.” or, in the original, “baAvod rishaim rina” is from Chazal, not something they made up.

    If I am not mistaken, “binfol oyvecha al tismach” doesn’t apply when “baAvod rishaim rina” does apply.

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