New Online Application Process for Israel Entry

Israel continues to be largely closed to foreigners, with some exceptions, as Chaim V’Chessed has detailed extensively.

For those eligible for entry permits to Israel, permission to enter Israel often must be applied for via Israeli consulates and embassies. At times, this process has been slow and nerve-wracking. Many travelers have applied to several consulates, a practice which we have discouraged. Hard working officials have been frequently bogged down by multiple requests from the same persons.

Now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched an online form for submitting applications for entry permits. The form may be accessed here. Applicants are asked to select the nearest consulate or embassy. They are also required to upload all the necessary documents, such as passports, birth certificates vaccination cards, insurance and more.

The new process will limit multiple applications, and will hopefully streamline the entire process.

Authorities now advise applying four weeks before travel. This is now the only way to apply through consulates or embassies. Furthermore, applicants who have already been submitted thru email, but have not yet been responded to, must resubmit their applications using the new online method.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. The Form doesn’t work. One field (“which Israeli embassy…”) doesn’t have dropdown values and it’s a required field.

  2. As much as I have hakaras hatov to the Israeli government and as much as I understand their desire to protect the health of their citizens, and nonwithstanding the fact that they owe me nothing, their handling of this process is absolutely pathetic. I applied 3.5 weeks before my flight (as per the instructions) and haven’t heard a peep until I got this email from them informing me of the new process (and of the rejection of any unanswered application) less than a week before my flight.

    I have also heard so many stories of people getting their ishur only a day before or the same day of travel after applying weeks in advance.

    The new application process is even less clear than the original process and full of contradictions. A bureaucratic balagan of epic proportions.

  3. Great. So I applied weeks ago, got no response, and now I have to start all over and have no chance of getting approved for my trip next week.

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