Friends Of Slain Hesder Student Visit Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievesky [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

The friends of hesder yeshivah student Yehuda Guetta, hy’d, who was killed in a terror attack two months ago, visited the home of the HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanivesky on Thursday.

The bochurim, who learn at the yeshivas hesder in Itamar, near the Tapuach Junction where the terror attack occurred, davened together with HaRav Chaim for the refuah of their friend Benaya Yisrael ben Aviva, who was seriously injured in the attack and is still in great need of rachamei Shamayim.

The visit was a timely one, as the IDF destroyed the home of the terrorist who carried out the attack on Thursday, despite the protests of the US.

After the tefillah for Benaya’s refuah, HaRav Chaim spoke with the Rabbanim and talmidim.

“The condition of Benaya Yisrael is serious,” HaRav Elad Rabinowitz said after the visit. “We were zocheh today to visit HaRav Kanievsky and receive brachos and daven with him for the refuah of our dear friend.”

“I request from all of Am Yisrael to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Benaya Yisrael ben Aviva l’refuah sheleimah b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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