Noam & Aviva Shalit: The Israeli Government Lied to Us

is flag.jpgNoam and Aviva Shalit, the parents of Gilad Shalit, released statements to the media on Thursday that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and members of the government have lied to them.

Mr. Noam Shalit, who during the almost two years since his son was taken captive by Hamas usually exhibited an air of calm, albeit along with the pain related to his concerns over his son’s well-being, seems to have thrown it away, opting to take a harder line against the government.

Shalit explains that he was promised Gilad’s release would be linked to a ceasefire with Hamas but today, he sees that this is not the case, since the ceasefire went into effect at 6:00AM.

Senior officials including the Defense Ministry’s Amos Gilad are stating the ceasefire will facilitate obtaining Gilad Shalit’s release, but his parents are no longer buying into the government rhetoric, angered and pained over the fact that they have permitted two years to pass by and Gilad remains in Hamas captivity.

The Shalits have given the government 48 hours to respond to their accusations and following that time, they may take their case to the Supreme Court.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. They are the biggest fraudelent gov. in the western world. Then they wonder why some countries still consider them third world countries. Are they any better than Mugabe?

  2. of course they lied! who knows what they have up their sleeve? Since the state was created (even before, since the movement) it’s filled with conspiracies and hidden agendas! pollard,rabin, to name a few! why would you trust any government, espasaily not the israeli! V’Haboteach Bashem Chesed Yesovevenhu!!!!

  3. I feel for the Shalit family. I really do. But, allowing negotiations for individual soldiers to be part and parcel of truce negotiations, cease-fire negotiations, and broader peace negotiations may be bad policy. What it does, is provide incentive for Hamas and Hezbollah to kidnap Israeli soldiers and hold them hostgae knowing in advance that Israel WILL negotiate. Big, big difference between “WILL negotiate” and “MAY negotiate.”

    I feel bad for the Shalits but I’m not so sure I 100% agree with them.

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