President Peres & King Abdullah Meet in Jordan

President Shimon Peres arrived in Jordan on Wednesday to attend the Petra IV Conference of Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

The officials discussed regional issues as well as the president’s ‘Valley of Peace’ plan, a canal that would connect Israel, the PA and Jordan.

The king was quoted in the Jordanian media as stating the Palestinians will not accept any alternative to their homeland and Israel must come to the realization that they are yearning for independence and a return to their land.

After Mr. Peres addressed the event, Arab League Secretary Amr Moussa got up and spoke, lashing out at Israel, insisting Jerusalem is not serious about peace, stating the Arab League has offered Israel diplomatic relations with all her Arab neighbors but Israeli leaders rejected it.

Moussa walked out during Mr. Peres’ address, and only agreed to return after being promised that he will be permitted to address the forum. He called the president a “master speaker” and added “we cannot be taken for fools any longer”.

Mr. Peres got up and responded, stating that for one thing, Israel uprooted many communities in Gaza at a great price, and in return, we receive rocket attacks.

He invited Arab League officials to address the Knesset in Israel, and to take the necessary steps forward towards peace with Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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