Former Intelligence Chief Saguy on Hamas & Syria

Former chief of military intelligence, Uri Saguy, in a Wednesday radio interview stated that the government’s decision to move ahead with a truce with Hamas is a good one. He explained that in this case, Hamas and similar have similar but different agendas and the truce serves both sides, each with its own plans following the hiatus in fighting.

Acknowledging that Hamas may indeed use the time to regroup and strengthen itself, he stated all options must be exhausted prior to ordering a major military operation, which admittedly may be necessary at the end.

He explained that even a major military incursion will not result in the elimination of Hamas as a political entity, citing the Gaza population elected the current Hamas government, for good or for bad.

Taking into consideration current realities pertaining to Gilad Shalit, the truce can only serve to help his situation. Saguy cautioned that he believes one may not always learn from history because he feels history does not always repeat itself.

Regarding Syria, the current process Saguy explained is quite preliminary and no real discussion is taking place. For any real process to get underway, there must be direct talks, even on a low government level, but the three-way mediation will not lead to the progress sought after.

The former intelligence chief, who was involved in negotiations with Syria during the Rabin administration, feels at some point, American involvement will be mandatory.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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