Minister Ayalon on the Truce and Gilad Shalit

gilad1.jpgMinister Without Portfolio (Labor) Ami Ayalon, a former director of the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) told Israel Radio on Wednesday that he supports the truce with Hamas which went into effect on Thursday morning.

Ayalon emphasized that Israel must bring a new reality to southern residents, one of quiet and a life without rocket attacks.

Ayalon stated that Hamas is on the verge of collapse and the truce was achieved by Hamas meeting Israeli demands. When asked why the truce could not have been achieved sooner, he explained for the very reason that he mentioned, that it took Hamas time to come around and meet Israel’s demands. Hamas he explained demanded the border crossings be immediately opened with the implementation of the truce and the terror organization also demanded that a similar cessation of IDF activities be implemented immediately in Yehuda and Shomron. Israel remained steadfast in her objections, and ultimately, Hamas gave in.

When challenged regarding those who feel the truce will provide Hamas with an opportunity to revitalize itself, Ayalon stated that he knows the terror organization well, and Hamas leaders would have rebuilt themselves even without the truce, adding Hamas fears the diplomatic process far more than a military threat.

The minister added that 160 Israelis were killed in the Second Lebanon War, and in his opinion, we are no better off for it and the threat has not been eliminated. As such, he favors the truce.

Regarding captured soldier Gilad Shalit, he favors the release of terrorists “with blood on their hands” if need be. He added that regarding Shalit, the government has not done enough and needs to do more.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Can someone explain me what would happen if israel would kidnap some hammas gunmen.These people only understand one language.

  2. #1 and2,
    you do not understand the minds of these reshoim. we could take 1000 hostages, it wouldnt make a difference to the hamas and their kind.

  3. Exactly #3. These are people who are happy when their children blow themselves up, as long as they kill some Jews at the same time. Whatever language it is they understand, it isn’t one humanity recognizes.

  4. Think of it this way. You can tell how much worth each Yid has vs. a terrorist. Whenever there is a prisoner swap we get back 1 Yid for their 894723958702874025873. Their’s aren’t worth so much.

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