Bennett’s Neighbors Demand He Move To Jerusalem

Sign against Bennett at a protest.

A group of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s neighbors in Ra’anana sent a letter on Sunday to Shin Bet Chief Nadav Argaman, Internal Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev, the director-general of the Prime Minister’s office, and others, demanding that Bennett move to the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem, Channel 12 News reported.

When Bennett became prime minister, the family decided to remain in Ra’anana so their four school-age children wouldn’t have to switch schools, and use the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem only for official events. The decision may be beneficial for the Bennett children but Bennett’s neighbors are far from pleased as the Bennett home has turned into a center of protests and security forces.

“The happenings around the house of the new prime minister have created an impossible situation for my clients,” the group’s lawyer wrote. “Overnight, their place of residence has turned into a fortress, a war zone, a military base, and a center of protests.”

The residents are demanding three things – that the prime minister move his primary place of residence to Rechov Balfour in Jerusalem; that the protests be stopped or at least minimized; and that the security arrangements for Bennett be less disruptive to the residents.

The letter is the last step prior to an appeal to the Supreme Court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Selfish, completely selfish, like all his decisions. He could only win his paltry few MKs via lies, distortions, deceipt and semantics. His politicial career is full of flip flops on issues. He wanted to head the National Religious party but also promote LGBTQ issues that are totally against the Torah. So he pivoted wooing the secular vote. He pivoted from being right wing to left wing. He promised that bringing in an Arab anti-Israel Pro Palestinian to support his party but not become a minister, and has already offered Abbas a ministerial position!! and I wonder if he lies to himself and believes his own lies. His wife can learn a thing or two from Melania Trump. If you want your kids to stay local, then stay with the kids and spend weekends together. I wouldnt expect that level of consideration from the Lying Bennetts.

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