Chevron Spokesman Denies Reported Assault on Left-Wing Visitors

Chevron community spokesman Noam Arnon issued a statement denying the Jewish community attacked members of the radical left-wing Breaking the Silence organization during a visit on Tuesday, accompanied by MKs of the left-wing Meretz Party.

According to the report, a number of “locals” surrounded the group and poured boiling water on them, injuring a policeman and a foreign journalist.

Arnon decried the radical group, stating they visit Chevron to “spread their anti-Semitic propaganda,” adding they come with the specific intention of provoking violence.

Arnon added the visitors were surrounded by a large security contingent, adding it was unnecessary since the area residents had no plans of attacking them. He concluded that if someone did attack them he condemns the move, distancing himself with such acts of violence.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Which goes to prove that the only good leftist is a dead one.
    They should ALL be put in jail. There is not a Jew loving animal among them.
    They hate Jews and love the arabs. Why don’t they just go live in Gaza?

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