Leiberman: “I Hope The Chareidim Will Stay In The Opposition For A Long Time”

Leiberman at a party meeting.

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman and newly minted Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman attacked Chareidim at a party meeting and also spoke about “conquering Balfour.”

“We set the party’s goals on May 19 – the change of government, the formation of a coalition without Shas and UTJ, and the Finance Ministry in our hands,” Lieberman said. “It’s doubtful if everyone believed that all the goals were achievable but we managed to achieve them.”

“I hope that Shas and United Torah Judaism will spend many many years in the opposition,” Leiberman asserted.

“I’m not taking revenge on the Chareidim,” Leiberman claimed. “I respect the Chareidi way of life and I believe in ‘live and let live.’ We don’t interfere with them and I’m not willing for them to interfere in my lifestyle.”

“It’s critical for the Chareidi sector and for everyone – to provide them with education and a profession. We’ll strive with all our power to establish ‘core studies’ so that the young generation in the Chareidi sector can take the matriculation exams like the general population and be able to stand on their feet financially. This is our vision and we’ll act in accordance.”

“We were struggling in the desert for almost three years,” Leiberman said. “And speaking of metaphors, conquering a fortified compound like Balfour [the prime minister’s residence] was like conquering the Bastille. We truly conquered the Bastille.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Looking forward to Leiberman teaching chazal to the charedi community. Like the Gemarah in Kedushin says “חייב אדם ללמד לבנו אומנות”
    Not sure why everyone is so against this…

  2. Son on the one hand, “live and let live,”
    And yet we have to provide them with a modern education and profession….?!?!

  3. the jewish antisemit. he is more dangerous then amalek. Financminister without knowlege.Who was he?
    Working in a night club lwting people in and out. and now Minister of finance with a big mouth

  4. This statement:
    ““I respect the Chareidi way of life and I believe in ‘live and let live.’ We don’t interfere with them and I’m not willing for them to interfere in my lifestyle.””

    doesn’t match this one:
    ““…We’ll strive with all our power to establish ‘core studies’ so that the young generation in the Chareidi sector can take the matriculation exams…””

    If “core studies” and “matriculation exams” were fully in accordance with the Chareidi way of life, and Liberman really respects their way of life, then Liberman can merely present that to UTJ and Shas to ask their Rabbinic leaders to approve it.

    Obviously, this is all a farce.

    If he really wants to help the Chareidim be independent, then he should create an Israeli “Basic Law” that Chareidim are automatically exempt from the Zionist shmad army and that they are nonetheless allowed to work in any profession as soon as they turn 18 without army service just like in every normal country world-wide.

  5. Interesting metaphor. The storming of the Bastille was followed by years of terror. I guess Lieberman is modeling himself after Robespierre. You gotta admire his honesty.

  6. When did this venom develop? His wife is a Shomeres to a large degree. He used to be so much more respectful of Chareidim: when did this start?

  7. Hes a Rasha and a big one but hes only making it crystal to see the filthy Zionist agenda. The head of rhe “Yiddish State” wants Jews to be secular. Bibi wasnt better, he just needed the Chareidim to help him grab power so he acquiesced on their demands.
    Theyre all here to remove Klal Yisrael from our Torah and religion. Hes just spewing it with the hatred thats nauseating and depressing.
    To all u Chareidim in the Kenesset; u dont represent us and G d will watch over us WITHOUT ur representation so Yiddn will just hafta BELIEVE in HaShem and that might be a good thing after all.
    May G d protect and bless us all and eradicate the Zionist movement and bring Mashiach.

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