Israel: ZAKA Volunteer Complains He Was Assaulted By MDA Official

zaka.jpgAccording to a northern district ZAKA volunteer operating at the scene of a vehicular accident, he was attacked by the MDA Carmel District Chief Shimon Biton.

The plaintiff states he was involved in tending to a fatality from the accident on Route 66 when Biton arrived on the scene, striking him in his arm.

According to R’ Yechezkel Farkash, ZAKA’s northern district operations officer, the “brutal assault” against a volunteer cannot be overlooked and a complaint was filed against Biton with Israel Police.

This incident is yet another as tensions continue to rise in certain areas between Magen David Adom officials and chareidi volunteers from ZAKA and Hatzolah.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I hope he isn’t getting jealous of ZAKA. I would not want to do their job for a million dollars. Let’s be mispallel that Moshiach comes and we will not be needing ZAKA again. Amen!

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