ARE SHTREIMELS NEXT? Israel Becomes The first Country To Ban Sale Of Fur To Fashion Industry

In a global first, Israel banned the sale of fur to the fashion industry on Wednesday.

After signing the amendment, which will take effect in six months’ time, Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel said in a statement, “The fur industry causes the deaths of hundreds of millions of animals worldwide, and inflicts indescribable cruelty and suffering.  Using the skin and fur of wildlife for the fashion industry is immoral and is certainly unnecessary. Animal fur coats cannot cover the brutal murder industry that makes them. Signing these regulations will make the Israeli fashion market more environmentally friendly and far kinder to animals.”

Animal rights NGO praised the decision and called it a “historic milestone” that will “save countless animals from the hell of the fur industry.”

In a statement, the NGO added: “We have been fighting for years to ban the sale of furs to the fashion industry, and from the start, 86% of the Israeli public supported this. We thank Minister Gamliel and Tal Gilboa, the Prime Minister’s adviser on animal rights, and our partners in the struggle over years, Let The Animals Live and the International Anti-Fur Coalition (IAFC).”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Insanity. The only purpose for which Hashem created those animals was so people could use their fur. Now these people think they have the right to frustrate that purpose and make the animals useless.

    No, shtreimlach won’t be next, they’re already the target; but the next target will be meat and leather. There’s no reason why a cow’s life is worth less than a mink’s or a beaver’s.

  2. Real fur Shtreimlach are NOT required by daas torah. Indeed, streimlach themselves are NOT obligatory. They are a fashion item that was the lvush of certain chassidus in the Alte Heim and were carried over as minhag of those chassidus. Yiddeshkeit will survive with faux fur streimlach as they are less costly, resist the rain, easier to clean and don’t smell when wet. Forget about PETA. Its just common sense.

  3. They are conveniently not banning leather, leather shoes and handbags, leather jackets and pants, only targeting fur which is a tiny industry compared to leather. If they really cared about the animals they’d target the leather industry.

  4. The streimlach can always be imported from fur friendly countries. No need to manufacture them in Israel. This ban may lead to the Chinese establishing a streimal industry.

  5. My husband doesn’t wear a shtreimel but for those who do there is some religious component. They are not comfortable and they are not warm. They’re worn for their familial custom dating back 200 years or so. So they will certainly not be banned under this but then again, who knows: Israelis are funny people!

  6. Regarding human shortcomings in raising animals generally, there should be meat industry regulations that add labelling information concerning whether an animal was castrated – this is actually an even worse practice being done to livestock, totally unnecessary, and causes elevated estrogen production and other immune-producing chemical reactions to take place within these animals that cause the meat to become inferior to what it would be otherwise.

    It is only allowable if gentiles choose to do this themselves. However, any and all consumers should be informed whether beef is bull meat or steer meat. (Similarly for meat from other animals including poultry. This is usually more cost-prohibitive to effect upon poultry, but capon and hokie is sometimes unmarked when farmers need or want to sell these maimed animals at a discount in the markets.

    Capon is currently illegal in Britain and in California; however any castrated meat products should be specifically labelled anywhere around the country -and elsewhere, so that consumers can consciously choose what they buy and ingest. Causing this practice of neutering a male animal to take place is a Torah level prohibition, yet without labelling laws, and the opportunity to ‘push back’, we passively encourage it to take place.)

  7. The worry is not just that they’ll ban streimels. When the consideration for the ban originally was discussed, the Chareidi politicians wanted it to be blocked entirely. They are worried that if all fur is banned except streimels, that it will cause backlash on the chassidic community. It will give another reason for the anti-religious and antisemitic to say that religious Jews believe they are above the law and that religious jews are cruel.

  8. Minks and cows are farmed. So much for the “industry causing millions of brutal deaths”, they would never have been bred and raised if not for the industry which needed them. There is one conspiracy which covers all the new progressive craziness currently infecting the world: Running away from G-d. Attempting to turn traditional world order on it’s head has always been the way it was done. It was like this by the Dor Hamabul and nothing much has changed. Slightly off topic but related nonetheless: Midrash Rabbah Bereshis 26:5 states: “Rav Huna besheim Rebbi amar dor hamabul lo nimochu min haolam ad shecasvu Gimusios (marriage contracts) lazachar v’labehaima. See perush Maharz”v who explains that it was assumed that if you feel like it, it must be the correct thing to do, and they therefore made it the law of the land via the legislator (or whatever the equivalent was those times) and enforced by the courts…

  9. Time for YWN to up the game like other Chareidi Websites.
    The ban on Fur Sale clearly states that sale for religious purposes will continue to be permitted. Shtreimels go under that clause and therefore no threat.
    Report properly, with all information.

  10. The law specifically excludes streimels from the ban. A remarkable display of tolerance and understanding by the law-makers towards the Chasidish community. Amazing how a headline can shape the tone of a story.

  11. Why are people here comparing leather shoes to streamers?

    As far as I know, all the leather used in the Torah is from Kosher animals that are used for food. Most if not all leather today is from pigs and cows which are used for food. Otherwise leather would be extremely expensive!

    Animals where only allowed for consumption after the Mabul, and not all animals benefit people directly. This is a complex system that God created and definitely shtreimels are not the reason for the creation of mink, since they are a relatively modern invention, and not a Jewish one. It is simply eastern Europe fashion from few centuries ago.

    The problem is that faux fur creates a lot of pollution and possibly contributes more to tzar baalei chaim than real fur.

    This is a moral and holocbik delimma and shtreimels are not part of the equation

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