HaRav Yitzchak Yosef: “Treif Meat With Badatz Hechsher Imported To Israel”

In the past month, rumors have been circulating in the halls of the Chief Rabbinate about a large slaughterhouse in Europe that imported treif meat with a Badatz hechsher.

However, until now, despite the rumors, no one knew if the story was actually true. The rumors were finally confirmed on Monday night by Kikar H’Shabbat as told by the Rishon L’Tzion, HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, who oversees kashrus in Israel.

“A few weeks we discovered that something was going on,” Rav Yosef said. “We sent a special inspector to all the slaughterhouses in Poland, the Netherlands, and he secretly installed hidden cameras.”

“In one of the slaughterhouses, the inspector saw that the non-Jewish owners arrived at the slaughterhouse at 3 a.m. and took treif meat and placed it inside the crates of meat with a Badatz hechsher.”

“The inspector confronted the owners who had nothing to say since they were caught red-handed on the camera. I immediately removed the hechsher from the slaughterhouse.”

The article did not reveal any information about how much treif meat was already imported to Israel by this slaughterhouse before the fraud was discovered and the implications of the matter.

A subsequent Kikar H’Shabbat article revealed that the slaughterhouse in question is located in Poland.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Badatz Rabbanut?
    Badatz Eida Hachareidis?
    I’m assuming definitely not the latter because they don’t import from Europe to my knowledge.
    Why aren’t the crates locked up, with the mashgiach having the only key?

  2. Thank you for the info.

    What’s The Rabbinate soulotion to the people who distributed the meat.

    To whom was sold?

    Why they waited so long to inform the public?

    Can they Kasher the meat dishes or are they (Bedatz, Rabanit, importers,… ) going to compensate the consumers to kasher their entire kitchen.

    Answering Halachic issues for eating Tarref?
    And so much more.!!!

    There must have been tracing of orders imported.

  3. there is an important lesson. besides their stand opposing the medinah, they are not trustworthy. hibadlu mi’toch ha-eidah ha’zot

  4. Poland is a country with both a virulent anti-semitic past and present. Why would any sane person trust them with a Kosher slaughterhouse. They have much more experience with slaughtering Jewish people themselves.

  5. Poland is a country with both a virulent anti-semitic past and present. Why would any sane person trust them with a Kosher slaughterhouse. They have much more experience with slaughtering Jewish people themselves. So much for a Badatz hechsher. You are much better off with an OU hechsher. They actually do their job, not just pick up a check.

  6. Fake news. Yechiel Spits of Jerusalem Kosher News has confirmed that this is kikar taking a story about the rabbanut doing it’s job out of context. (He was saying a story about how the rabbanut has upped it’s game and can now be trusted in kashrus.) Zero nonkosher meat was imported at all.

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