Are The Chareidi MKs Planning An Alternative Government?

UTJ leader Moshe Gafni. (Knesset spokesperson/Noam Moskovitz)

Chareidi MKs are working to form a unity government that would exclude Avigdor Leiberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party and the left-wing Meretz and Labor parties and wouldn’t depend on the support of Arab parties, Arutz Sheva reported on Monday.

The report said that Chareidi party officials told Arutz Sheva that in the wake of Naftali Bennett’s announcement on Sunday night on his decision to join a unity government with Yesh Atid, Chareidi MKs offered an alternative plan to New Hope chairman Gideon Sa’ar.

The government would be comprised of the Chareidi parties, Yamina, New Hope, Yesh Atid, Blue and White, and the Religious Zionist party, which would bring the number of MKs to 60. The 61st member would be MK Ofir Sofer, a member of the National Union party who was part of the Likud list in the previous election but would now join the government as part of the Religious Zionist party.

The government would not include the Likud, solving the problem of those parties that refuse to sit under Netanyahu.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. UTJ & Shas with Yesh Atid?!
    They would sit with Lieberman faster…
    Besides, why would Yesh Atid prefer this option over the current combo that Bennett is proposing?

  2. How can the Chareidim sit in same coalition as Yair Lapid/Yesh Atid? Don’t they have a principle that they never sit together in same Govt? Also, Israel has proven that Govt with narrow majority of 61 cannot last especially when comprised of bunch of small parties. Anyone gets upset over stupidity and the coalition is over.

  3. and what would they offer Yesh Atid to induce them to join?

    Remember that for Lapid and Leiberman, a government free of Hareidi influence is as important as one free of Netanyahu, and perhaps more so.

  4. I’m not an expert but for the commenters who are unclear how Yesh Atid would agree, the article says so. The offer was to New Hope. If they agree, the current Yamina and Yesh Atid plan falls apart. Lapid will have to join this alternate coalition setup. I doubt it’ll go through though.

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