National Council Of Young Israel Directs Statement To Secretary Rice

kosel6.jpgNational Council of Young Israel President Shlomo Z. Mostofsky, Esq., made the following statement today in response to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent critique of the Israeli government for constructing additional Jewish homes in East Jerusalem:

“The National Council of Young Israel is extremely disturbed by the readiness of Secretary of State Rice to heap criticism on Israel for its plans to build additional housing for its citizens, within the boundaries of its own capital city.  Israel has the right to build in
its capital, wherever and whenever she chooses.  The Secretary of State must realize that as the eternal capital of Israel, the holy city of Jerusalem cannot and will not be divided.  In fact, the United States Congress has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and
has acknowledged that the U.S. should move its embassy there.  Yet, despite the assurances of President Bush, the embassy has not yet been moved, and the recognition of Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of Israel is being repeatedly challenged by Secretary of State Rice.

While we commend Secretary of State Rice for endeavoring to achieve peace in the region, it is critical that she comprehend the significance of Jerusalem to the Jewish nation and understand the fact that Jerusalem must be taken off of the bargaining table.  Any
proposed agreement that would tear the heart and soul out of the Israeli people and the Jewish nation is wholly unacceptable and would be strongly condemned.  The National Council of Young Israel’s position is that there can be no division of Jerusalem at any time, under any circumstances.”

10 Responses

  1. Didn’t mention not one time any reason why it should not be devided, the main reason being – SECURITY…
    Smells like Zionizm…

  2. I found it interesting that the only argument (articulated) opposing the divide of Jerusalem is that it would “tear the heart and soul out of the Israeli people and the Jewish nation”. Is it impossible to retort that the dicontinuation of terrorism is a greater value? That sving lives is more important than morale?

  3. As long as the US State Department is ANTI-Israel and ANTI-Jew we will never get a break and will never get a fair hearing. They love the arabs and that is a fact. Condi Rice can do as she pleases because she and everyone knows she is in it for a place in history for her boss and herself….she does not nor has she ever had the Jews best interest in mind….If she did would rockets rain down from Gaza?

  4. These actions of (Republican) Sec. of State Rice on behalf of Pres. Bush lead me to skepticism regarding Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s repeated statements that Sen. McCain as President will be pro-Israel, much more so than Sen. Obama.

    I believe that most Goyim and a few Jews (like P.M. Olmert and Pres. Peres) sympathize with the Palestinian (i.e., Arab) terrorists and consider them to be “victims.”

  5. 1) Yasher koach, at least they spoke out!
    2) The reason Yerushalayim cant be given away is because the Aibishter gave it to us, says so in Rashi in the first possuk in the Torah!!

  6. #7 Whoa!!!

    Do you really mean what you say that now it is in “our” hands?

    What did you mean when you said that land owned by arabs and governed by the Israeli government being ours?

  7. to #7 yochi RE:2..see tehilim 105 posik 44, 45 especially 45..also the tochoche is full of admonishments, c’v, if posik 45 will be ignored. b’h there’s plenty of torah u’mitzvos in eretz yisroel (and all around), but we shouldnt c’v forget…

  8. to say “..and many readers believe rashi is right..” this is A MEDRUSH..RASHI DIDNT MAKE THIS UP, ALSO the question you state “they dont care what the medrush, which rashi brings down, says…there are alot of explanatons to that quetion …see meforshim (sharei aharon etc…)

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