Families Of Meron Victims Write Letter To Am Yisrael

B'Chadrei Chareidim

A moving letter written by the families of the Meron victims was published on Wednesday morning in the name of the 45 families who lost a family member in the disaster.

“We were broken over and over on that clear day of hillulos Rashbi, there at the tzion, when at the height of the simcha and kabbalas ol malchus Shamayim, the neshamos of our loved ones were plucked at such an elevated time,” the families wrote.

“All of Am Yisrael and the whole world were shocked to the core at what happened to us and all of Am Yisrael on that terrible day. We’re still during the days of shiva, in a cheshbon nefesh on why this fury was unleashed.”

“Now, in our wish to elevate the neshamos of our loved ones and to awaken pained hearts, we request for the sake of the Klal and the individual and the neshamos teharos that were taken from us for the sake of Am Yisrael, to be mechazeik in Ahavas Chinan and showing respect to one another. Unfortunately, we’ve been lacking in Ahavas Yisrael and in the middah of accepting our friends pleasantly and we’re in need of great chizuk in the inyan of Bein Adam L’Chaveiro and respecting one another.”

“Let us be mechazeik our ability to accept the opinions of others and to respect and love each and every Jew, and thereby, during these days, we’ll be metakein this important and painful issue, specifically due to the zechus of Rashbi.”

“And this zechus will comfort us and be l’illui nishmas our loved ones and should swiftly bring the end of our Galus and the beginning of our redemption.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. As the Rebbi of Rebbi Shimon, Rebbi Akiva taught us ואהבת לרעך כמך זה כלל גדול בתורה loving your fellow man is a main theme in the Torah.

  2. There is NO question in anyone’s mind that we need to be better Bein Udom lchavyroy but we need to fix Bein Udom Lemukoym…every person needs improvement in one way or another and the list is too long but if you take a Sidder and look for Minche Erev Yom Kipper i am sure between all the Al Chytes you will find some thing we can better ourselves and including Bein Udom Lechavyroi…
    It will be a big Zechus for all those Neshumes who were the Korben Tzibbir for OUR Chatuim and even you are the most loving JEW we still can try to undertake ourselves some Tikin in any way we need to be better.

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