Eretz Yisroel: Hatzolah Disappointed With Hamodia Newspaper In Israel

mda.jpgPerhaps in an act of growing frustration, Hatzolah in Israel has expressed profound disappoint with the Hamodia newspaper for an article appearing in last Thursday’s addition, commending Magen David Adom Carmel District officials for the recent purchase of first-response motorcycles.

Hatzolah points out that unfortunately, the favor shown to MDA at the expense of Hatzolah is painful, especially when coming from a chareidi newspaper, explaining the organization is not mentioned in the article, not even once. Hatzolah officials add that to rub salt on the wound, the newspaper goes on to praise MDA Carmel district, when the senior officials in that district continue their “harassment” of Hatzolah volunteers, i.e. the chareidi volunteers of MDA.

The ongoing conflict in the Haifa and Krayot areas appears to have originated a number of years ago, when entire groups of volunteers, primarily Seret-Vishnitz chassidim, were departmentalized in MDA activities. Officials state that there is no other reason other than the fact they are chareidi. The chareidi volunteers found themselves cut off from frontline life-saving efforts, stating this was done without any professional justification – stating their training and abilities are no less professional than their non-chareidi counterparts.

Hatzolah reports that efforts in the Haifa region to coordinate with MDA and enhance pre-hospital care to date have been for naught, with local MDA officials rejecting any and all such overtures. Former Shas MK Shlomo Benizri attempted to mediate between the sides, but his suspension from political life has brought an abrupt end to those efforts.

In recent weeks, Hatzolah representatives have raised the issue in a session of the Knesset Health Committee, the Knesset plenum, and Health Ministry forums, resulting in across-the-board support from the organization, from the political left and right, frum and secular MKs alike, including Avshalom Vilan (Meretz), who attempted to advance the Hatzolah cause in the Knesset Health Committee forum.

Now explain Hatzolah officials, as the political system is being enlisted to assist Hatzolah in the Haifa and southern areas, seeking to improve cooperation from MDA, it is difficult to understand why Hamodia sees the need to ‘toot the horn’ of MDA, specifically in the Haifa district.

Hatzolah officials add that in conclusion, they do not seek a thing from Hamodia, adding it is the only newspaper in the country which consistently ignores the 1,300 nationwide Hatzolah volunteers, adding ironically about 50% of whom come from chassidic courts, including Gur, Vishnitz, Sanz, Belz and others.

“We do not expect assistance in the public battle, but at the very least, do not show favor to those destructive and harmful forces targeting the chareidi public” the Hatzolah statement reads.

NOTE: Ichud Hatzolah tells YWN that they are referring to the Hamodia in Israel only.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. It is sad but a big part of this is money. If Hatzolah arrives on scene first and cancels MDA then MDA can not bill the patient. I believe that onve they are on scene even if they do not transport the patient a bill is sent. I know this is how it works in NJ and I was told it is the same in Israel. The issue was that Hatzolah members were trying to save the frum families money by canceling MDA when the person did not need to go to the hospital.

  2. To YWN and Bowser: Once again we see the willingness of YWN to print, and therefore widely distribute, that which is clear loshon ho’ra. Where is the tachlis here? What positive outcome did you expect with the article or the comment?

    Maybe, just maybe, HaModia was trying to better or even mend relationships between the Torah-observant camps and MDA by showing them that, despite our differences, we can and do give credit where credit is due. I hope it will work.

  3. I’m just an everyday reader, one who subscribes to numerous papers. From my experience Hamodia consistently works for the shleimus of Am Yisroel in their reporting, whatever the topic or groups involved; and I know they work very hard to uphold shmiras halashon. In recent issues they have had articles honoring Satmar tzaddikim and yahrzeits. I’m sure any omission of Hatzolah in the article under discussion is surely unintentional. It is not good to speculate otherwise.

  4. i can tell you that in that seeing the Charaidi Hatzolah volunteers as the 1st responders is must be very upsetting to the secular government and they will do whatever they can to sideline then even at the expense of response time and dedication to life


  6. It’s a communist ploy to ignore, and make believe powerful entities don’t exist when the media doesn’t like their agenda. Hence, Hamodia; welcome to the Pravda club!

  7. Why am I not the least bit surprised that my previous comment on this piece has not been posted and that all comments on the tzniyus issue are relegated to the coffee room?

  8. Has anyone asked Hamodia?
    Having worked in the frum newspaper business, I can tell you that this could easily have been an oversight.

  9. I would have thought that the main issue is saving people’s lives and so long as there is good equiptment around being used by first responders everyone should be pleased. The issue is not if they are charedi or not, we need both MDA and Hatzolah, and whoever arrives first on the scene – tavo alav brocha. Saving people’s lives should not become a political issue.
    The job of a newspaper is to report news, and Hamodia correctly reported that MDA received new motorcycles, why should Hatzola be mentioned in this article?

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