WATCH: Mispallelim Flee From Kosel Amid Sounds Of Explosion

A large number of Israel Police forces operated throughout the night on Motzei Shabbos as Arab rioters on Har Habayis attacked officers with rocks, chairs, and fireworks.

Police officers used riot dispersal methods on the Arabs, including rubber bullets, tear gas, and shock grenades.

The sounds of the explosions could be heard by mispallelim at the Kosel. Close to midnight, a particularly loud explosion was heard at the Kosel plaza, frightening the mispallelim, who thinking they were under attack, fled from the area.

It later became clear that the explosion was from fireworks on Har Habayis.

Later on Motzei Shabbos, police cleared the Kosel plaza for a period of time due to the chance of Arabs throwing rocks on the mispallelim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. On ערב יום ירושלים; What an all time low we have sunken to. Instead of rubber bullets and tear gas, the police need to use real bullets & zyklon gas on these savage arabs:- If these savage arabs don’t like this, they simply shall have to get their act together.

  2. Send these to our fake friends in the UAE who have gone on to criticize us anew. Bottom line! An arab is an arab!

  3. @Reader1990- The partitions have been down for a while, I can confirm this vid is 100% legit, I know the guy who took it

  4. My the Neshama of Reshaim like Moshe Dayan and Ben Gurion Press Rabin and the The rest have Yeriah to special heated room in GEHENAM for giving the keys of Har Habais to the enemies.

  5. 147:
    “We” have not sunken to any low.
    You Zionists count your days with the Zionists’ invented nationalist holidays. That is very low, indeed.
    Also very low is your promoting Nazi tactics on innocent people (even if some of them are decidedly not so innocent).

  6. avreichamshlomo:
    The Zionists? No, they certainly don’t believe in God. When Mashiach comes BB”A then they will realize how silly utterly futile is their idolatry and heresy of Zionism.

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