Rav Asher Arielli: “We Have To Heed The Devar Hashem”

Rav Asher Arielli is menachem avel the family of Dovi Steinmetz, z'l. (Photo: Shmuel Drey)

HaRav Asher Arielli, the famed Maggid Shiur at the Mir Yerushalayim, spoke divrei chizzuk this week about the Meron disaster, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

“I was asked to speak a few words,” Rav Arielli said. “I’m not worthy but on the other hand, it’s impossible not to address it.”

“דרך הנביאים שמעו דבר ה’. When nevuah ended, the devar Hashem remained. It’s written by Rivka that there was the devar Hashem. The mefarshim explain that the hanhaga of Hakadosh Baruch Hu with us is the devar Hashem. When there’s a punishment from Shamayim, this the dibbur of the devar Hashem. And it appears that the most recent dibbur was a dibbur to everyone – to all chugim and eidos.”

“Hakadosh Baruch Hu spoke with us harshly. The dibbur was harsh. We went through the coronavirus – and Hakadosh Baruch Hu is telling us that we still need ‘dibbur.’ Surely this obligates us to examine what Hashem has done to us. I say clearly – it should be clear – I’m a small person, I don’t know why this happened. But we’re obligated to band together, to show Hakadosh Baruch Hu that we heard. If we don’t hear, it will come again.”

“It explains in the Gemara that the talmidim of Rebbe Akiva didn’t act respectfully with each other. Rebbe Akiva opened a new yeshivah and the foundation of the second yeshivah was acting respectfully with others. Rebbe Shimon was one of the five talmidim of the new yeshivah, founded on the yesod of bein adam l’chaveiro.”

“We have disagreements but we’re still brothers. If disagreements lead to disqualifying others, it’s treif! Is it necessary to ‘passul’ those who don’t think like you? This was the root of Rebbe Akiva’s new yeshivah. They built the Beis Medrash on this yesod, to be mechazeik in this, that each person helps the other.”

“All the shevatim were in the Beis Hamikdash. We need to show Hakadosh Baruch Hu that we heard the devar Hashem and we want to be mechazeik in this inyan – to act respectfully with each other.”

“Hashem will help. We’ll be mechazeik in Bein Adam L’chaveiro. We’re standing before Kabbalas HaTorah. How are we mekabel Torah? יחן שם נגד ההר כאיש אחד בלב אחד.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. We should all be Mekabel, that we shall never ever again protest on the streets by blocking city buses and innocent cars.
    We can all watch the video clips of those horrific protests where the Yeshiva boys are just sitting there in middle of the thru-way, piled up on each other, pulling their friends out of the police officers’ hands, forcing these hardworking police officers to carry their bodies away from the middle of the road while slipping on wet floors.
    In the buses and the cars, there were good innocent people, old and young, who were on important errands, doctor’s appointments, etc, (there are some stories of women and girls desperate to use the bathroom). These innocent people just had to sit in the buses or in their cars and wait for the Yeshiva boys who were just sitting on the road, singing Lag Bo’omer songs (yes, Lag Bo’omer songs) among other songs.
    How can a Yeshiva Bochur choose to cause so much pain and suffering to innocent people in the cars and buses, who did nothing wrong?

  2. When will there be enough place in the girl schools in Lakewood. Enough place in the heart to accept the girls into a high school so that they could maintain their dignity! When will there be an understanding of what a terrible crime is going on! Lo nahagu kovod ze le ze! Does the the rule of preserving the kavod not apply to young innocent girls!?! We need Rochniyusdige leaders to take action! We need Askonim to take action! We need gevirim to take action! Funds and leadership are needed! Are girls, the mothers of our next generation not worthy of our Tzedaka money? Is this a less worthy cause than yeshivos? Who will marry the yeshiva boys? Broken neshumos! We need to save Klal Yisroel! Who will take the first step?

  3. How about something simple as not shoving and pushing to do a mitzvah?
    or cutting people off because you have to get to mincha before the zman?
    What is the value of those mitzvos if it comes at the expense of bain adom l’chaveroi?
    Isn’t that what sefira is all about? While learning they were not noheg cuvod.

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