“I Broke Down Crying” – The Man Who Spent Hours At Abu Kabir Speaks

Menachem Schwartz. (Kikar H'Shabbat screenshot)

Menachem Schwartz, who heads the Chareidi department of Jerusalem’s Social Services, spoke to Kikar H’Shabbat about the harrowing hours he endured while speaking to the families of the Meron victims at the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute on Friday.

“I was at Abu Kabir on Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. – horrible scenes. In a minute I’m going to start crying right here, I’m in some type of post-trauma shock and I’ll have to go for treatment.”

“Forty-five families, try to understand the situation. One truck followed by another truck, the car of the Chevra Kadisha followed by another car and another car. Forty-five families who lost their closest relatives. The Elhadad family lost two.”

“It was unbearable. I needed to be strong in order to help the families. I would embrace the family members and make sure they were accepting the news and then go aside and cry.”

“My wife called me in the middle and I couldn’t speak to her. I burst out crying. I went aside and wiped away my tears and came back.”

“It was an unbearable day that left me forever scarred. And it’s not just me but dozens of Chareidi social workers who are simply traumatized. The security workers and Hatzalah officials also need treatment.”

[MERON VICTIMS: 24 Bochurim And Boys, 4 Mir Talmidim, At Least 6 US Citizens, 2 Canadians]

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Kol Hakavod to Mr Schwartz.
    Hashem should give him the strength to be able to cope with this tragedy, & continue helping Klal Yisroel!

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